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November 13, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Allentown, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
Is it possible to chip the 4.0L SOHC? If so, where can one acquire such a modification?

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Is it possible to chip the 4.0L SOHC? If so, where can one acquire such a modification?


-"chips" are sort of passe. Flashers are a better way to provide the custom tune.

-see sctflash.com and then the XCalibrator2 for details (they do sell chips too, although you have to go through a dealer).

-see bamachips.com, ask for Doug. He's a sct dealer and site sponsor.

celly (been there, done that, SOHC and 5.0L)

I have tuned several of these. Contact me if interested.

What gains does one see with a xcal2 on a2005 XLT?

What gains does one see with a xcal2 on a2005 XLT?

Roughly you will see a 15hp and 20lb ft increase. This isn't approximate but should be real close. You definately won't be dissatisfied with the results.

I have tuned several of these. Contact me if interested.
Do you have any for really cheap. I got a 2001 sport trac and it's got a Manuel transmission would it work the same?

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