Chronic Wheel Hub/Bearing Issues, 2008, 4WD 4dr V6 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chronic Wheel Hub/Bearing Issues, 2008, 4WD 4dr V6 XLT

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April 18, 2024
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Malden, Missouri
Year, Model & Trim Level
2008, 4WD 4dr V6 XLT

My driver side wheel bearing goes out frequently, anywhere from 1 to 2 years. I haven't ever kept up with the exact mileage, but a good educated guess is 7,000 to 14,000 miles.I have had 4 replaced within 5 years Some have gone quicker than others. They all start making a little noise within a thousand miles, and gets louder as you go.. One mechanic replaced the first three, and a different mechanic replaced the 4th. Both mechanics stated they used to the torque specifications given. The first three assemblies were Duralast and the last one was a Timken. Noticeable difference in the two, the Timken is a lot better quality, heavier duty.

Does anyone know of some other issue/s that may be causing this to happen other than alignment? I have had alignment checked several times, and always checked okay. The vehicle does not drift, pull, etc., and drives really nice. Both mechanics have looked and felt things over and haven't found any other problems. Thanks for reading!

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You might want to check the geometry of the suspension, frame etc. for that corner. Maybe something is off that stresses the bearing but still allows for the alignment to be correct. Maybe have a frame shop check things out. There is definitely something off if you replace the bearing on the same corner so frequently. Are you running stock rims and tires?

You might want to check the geometry of the suspension, frame etc. for that corner. Maybe something is off that stresses the bearing but still allows for the alignment to be correct. Maybe have a frame shop check things out. There is definitely something off if you replace the bearing on the same corner so frequently. Are you running stock rims and tires?
Yes, rims are stock and tires are stock size, all the same tire. This has actually happened through 2 sets of tires, the last bearing with the current tires I have now. I will take your advice on the frame check. Thanks a lot for your reply!


My driver side wheel bearing goes out frequently, anywhere from 1 to 2 years. I haven't ever kept up with the exact mileage, but a good educated guess is 7,000 to 14,000 miles.I have had 4 replaced within 5 years Some have gone quicker than others. They all start making a little noise within a thousand miles, and gets louder as you go.. One mechanic replaced the first three, and a different mechanic replaced the 4th. Both mechanics stated they used to the torque specifications given. The first three assemblies were Duralast and the last one was a Timken. Noticeable difference in the two, the Timken is a lot better quality, heavier duty.

Does anyone know of some other issue/s that may be causing this to happen other than alignment? I have had alignment checked several times, and always checked okay. The vehicle does not drift, pull, etc., and drives really nice. Both mechanics have looked and felt things over and haven't found any other problems. Thanks for reading!
1. Torque specs are wrong.check the exact torque value.
2. They dont use thread locker on clean threads and the nut coming loose
3. Torqued when the car rim or the car weight was applied

Most common wheel bearing installation mistakes is the 1 and the 3.

3. Torqued when the car rim or the car weight was applied
I was thinking the same. That maybe they are putting partial or full weight on the wheel so it can be tightened without help.

1. Torque specs are wrong.check the exact torque value.
2. They dont use thread locker on clean threads and the nut coming loose
3. Torqued when the car rim or the car weight was applied

Most common wheel bearing installation mistakes is the 1 and the 3.
Thanks for your reply. Forgot to mention that the mechanics were aware of the torque values, but I did not watch them torque. Number two and three I will mention to whoever does it next.

Perhaps they are using wheel bearings from some auto parts chain store? They usually carry the cheapest Chinese garbage that will only give you a year or two. The quality of replacement parts has become atrocious lately, with many shops installing only for the cheapest thing that will hold the car together.

Install Ford Motorcraft replacement bearings and you won't be doing it again.

Perhaps they are using wheel bearings from some auto parts chain store? They usually carry the cheapest Chinese garbage that will only give you a year or two. The quality of replacement parts has become atrocious lately, with many shops installing only for the cheapest thing that will hold the car together.

Install Ford Motorcraft replacement bearings and you won't be doing it again.
I have replace my drivers side wheel bearing several times as well. My solution was to buy ford wheel bearings. expensive, but they last a good 60k
