Clay Bar, Wax, Wash, & New rims ... Pics within !! | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clay Bar, Wax, Wash, & New rims ... Pics within !!

Originally posted by Billy177
now just align that front bumper and you wil be all set

The bumper isnt miss-aligned .... its just the angle of the pictures.

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Steeda (or anyone) can I get some input on wheel selection vs size and offset?

Steeda......(or anyone) I need some input on wheel selection vs size and offset. I was just wondering what rubs on your 18x9 setup with your 255-55's. I have been shopping for some 18x9's with 255/55's and thought a +25mm offset would be fine. I was also leaning towards a couple rims I found that have a 35-38mm offset so the fronts would not hang out of the fender. Your Explorer looks great.

I have to admit buying wheels for my 1998 has become a frustrating experience. No one wants to touch (or even discuss) the vehicle because of the legal issues with the Firestone tire nightmare.


Shave the badges on the rear hatch! Your truck looks great, and I think shaving the badges would fit the removed sticker look.

very nice and clean :thumbsup:

the fact of the matter is that you have the one and only Steeda explorer. Yeah it was one of a kind before, but it is also one of a kind now. Steeda didnt do that good making the only Steeda explorer that interesting, but you have, so props!

Have you still got it, Steeda?

I think it might be kinda cool to have a Mach Explorer :D You could do a black matte stripe up the riser in the hood, get a mustang hood scoop, maybe a saleen wing, etc...

I was wondering what those rims would look like on an X the other day and now I know- very nice!

Spas said:
Have you still got it, Steeda?

he sold it from what I understand.

Tommy98016 said:
he sold it from what I understand.

Ahh, bummer. Wonder if anyone else 'round here has the cajones to build a Steeda or Mach sploder...
