Dash bezel improvement | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dash bezel improvement


Explorer Addict
December 28, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
Orange county, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 Explorer 4X 4.0 ohv
So recently decided to stop neglecting the inside of the Sploder, outside paints shot so whatever as far as exterior... had used this Rustoleum TEXTURED paint before on various projects / hobbies and love it.... anyway after detailing the interior area noticed the top of bezel stood out with some scuffs etc. so took the ole Textured paint to her...before and after pics.. center console storage area is next for this stuff.

AFTER 1.jpg

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So discovered the tissue box... didn't even now it was there until now removing the cubbie sections to paint... Will Ford pay me some big quid to donate it to their museum? Trade for '23 Ranger ? I assume there is no longer a compatible tissue box made to fit in there? Might have to fab a wet-wipe container to put in it's place...that would be handy.
** I called the 800 number and it's STILL ACTIVE... I'm calling tomorrow during business hours and DEMAND they supply me with 1995 replacement tissue box ! ! ..."don't give me that "but sir, it's 28 years old ! ..nonsense"...you people need to uphold your commitment to the Explorers! ! ... I'll record call and upload it on MP3 !
kleenex  (1).jpg

kleenex  (2).jpg

So discovered the tissue box... didn't even now it was there until now removing the cubbie sections to paint... Will Ford pay me some big quid to donate it to their museum? Trade for '23 Ranger ? I assume there is no longer a compatible tissue box made to fit in there? Might have to fab a wet-wipe container to put in it's place...that would be handy.
** I called the 800 number and it's STILL ACTIVE... I'm calling tomorrow during business hours and DEMAND they supply me with 1995 replacement tissue box ! ! ..."don't give me that "but sir, it's 28 years old ! ..nonsense"...you people need to uphold your commitment to the Explorers! ! ... I'll record call and upload it on MP3 !
View attachment 443729
View attachment 443730
Would be great if they still had those size tissue boxes too. Would be useful in my 98!

So recently decided to stop neglecting the inside of the Sploder, outside paints shot so whatever as far as exterior... had used this Rustoleum TEXTURED paint before on various projects / hobbies and love it.... anyway after detailing the interior area noticed the top of bezel stood out with some scuffs etc. so took the ole Textured paint to her...before and after pics.. center console storage area is next for this stuff.
View attachment 443721

View attachment 443724
That turned out very pretty!

So discovered the tissue box... didn't even now it was there until now removing the cubbie sections to paint... Will Ford pay me some big quid to donate it to their museum? Trade for '23 Ranger ? I assume there is no longer a compatible tissue box made to fit in there? Might have to fab a wet-wipe container to put in it's place...that would be handy.
** I called the 800 number and it's STILL ACTIVE... I'm calling tomorrow during business hours and DEMAND they supply me with 1995 replacement tissue box ! ! ..."don't give me that "but sir, it's 28 years old ! ..nonsense"...you people need to uphold your commitment to the Explorers! ! ... I'll record call and upload it on MP3 !
View attachment 443729
View attachment 443730
They sell replacement tissue boxes in the supermarket.

They sell replacement tissue boxes in the supermarket.
They indeed are the exact same size? I read a post for like a '07 Escape and they were saying they couldn't get the right fit size boxes anymore ...

There are replacement boxes on Amazon and eBay…

You want then”kleenex juniors”

/\ Will my rough and tough 4WD become slightly emasculated by having "Kleenex Juniors" in it ? 😂 :hammer:

I’d just slap them in casually and not mention it to the truck or any passengers.

If I had a need for tissues, what I'd do is take some thick, clear packing tape, use that to protect and reinforce that cardboard tissue box, then just buy a regular box of tissues and use big scissors (or I have an office paper cutter) to cut them down to fit... I mean a bunch at a time, not individually.

The dash bezel paint job makes it look better than new!

Love that. My original one was totally beat and I epoxied the cracks in it and re-painted it to match my exterior. was surprisingly sharp on a light grey interior. Got a new bezel cause the original one continued to crack, and I have been very tempted to repaint this one.
This is the kind of project that can REALLY look tacky but turns out you didn't only just do a great job, it looks great [:

Thanks... in the next couple hours I'm going to re-install the lower cubby sections, cup holder etc that I removed to paint with this stuff.... going to make fresh post for those... complete with before / after .... even more contrast as those were totally shot and felt storage material was saturated with years of dirt etc..
