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Dual exhaust on 2014 Ford Explorer Sport

SCT tune

Boostking, I noticed that your sig says 331/412. Is the preloaded tune on the SCT X4 programmer 331/380 and your running a custom tune that gives you more torque? I am getting ready to purchase a tune, so who's tune am I getting? After reading the forums it sounds like I want an SCT tuner however I want the Live Wire TS device. That thing is amazing looking and it would be incredible to monitor boost, .25 mile times and 0-60 times etc,,, You can also dial in CAI and exhaust mods when I install them correct?
When will that be available for XSPORT? What CAI and Exhaust do you recommend?

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Boostking, I noticed that your sig says 331/412. Is the preloaded tune on the SCT X4 programmer 331/380 and your running a custom tune that gives you more torque? I am getting ready to purchase a tune, so who's tune am I getting? After reading the forums it sounds like I want an SCT tuner however I want the Live Wire TS device. That thing is amazing looking and it would be incredible to monitor boost, .25 mile times and 0-60 times etc,,, You can also dial in CAI and exhaust mods when I install them correct?
When will that be available for XSPORT? What CAI and Exhaust do you recommend?

Those are the peak numbers it made. The preloaded is slightly dialed back. I know for a fact the preloaded tune is available on the X4, and I will have to check on the Livewire TS but I'm fairly certain it is as well in the last update. I have to run out tonight, so not to leave you hanging but I will finish answering your questions as soon as I can.

Those are the peak numbers it made. The preloaded is slightly dialed back. I know for a fact the preloaded tune is available on the X4, and I will have to check on the Livewire TS but I'm fairly certain it is as well in the last update. I have to run out tonight, so not to leave you hanging but I will finish answering your questions as soon as I can.

I am wanting the Livewire TS also !! Please let us know...

stock XSport HP?

Stock it put down 296/301 whp/wtq. If you buy a SCT tuner, the preloaded tune that gave me 331/380 is already preloaded for the XSport. Just plug it in and flash. You can always return to stock for warranty stuff ect. Then if you add modifications later that require re-tuning, your SCT can hold up to 10 custom tunes.

i thought the XSport was stock 365HP?

Yes, it is 365 HP using 93 octane gasoline.


365 hp is at the crank not wheels. Any cars manufacturers hp rating isn't the actual power hitting the pavement.due to drivetrain loss.

So I looked it up for you guys. The LWTS and the X4 both support the XSport preloaded now. Any SCT dealer should be able to get you the device. Then just plug and play.

Here's a couple of pics of my Corsa cat-back. Great growling sound and pretty deep, considering it's an EcoBoost setup! :)




I wish we could get a group buy going for the corsa cat-back..... The 1400 dollars is just a little steep for me. I did my whole exhaust for my GT500 from the long tubes to the x-pipe and the cat-back for a little more than 1400.

Stock it put down 296/301 whp/wtq. If you buy a SCT tuner, the preloaded tune that gave me 331/380 is already preloaded for the XSport. Just plug it in and flash. You can always return to stock for warranty stuff ect. Then if you add modifications later that require re-tuning, your SCT can hold up to 10 custom tunes.

where can I buy the SCT tuner, with the preloaded tune for my 2014 sport. Thank s

where can I buy the SCT tuner, with the preloaded tune for my 2014 sport. Thank s

There is a dealer locator on www.sctflash.com. There is also a dealer on these forums. There are many places to buy one. I cant recommend one over another.

If the device is up to date then it will support the XSport. Updates are free and done through a computer so even if yours is out of date, its easy to update.

where can I buy the SCT tuner, with the preloaded tune for my 2014 sport. Thank s

Send Mike a PM he should be able to help you out... Here is his screen name


thank you for replies


can a livernois tune go into a SCT tuner?

I notice yours say Corsa on them underneath Livernois. Mine do not, wonder if its a entirely new setup or if they just added the logo

I suspect it's just a different batch with a new logo.

How do you like your exhaust? I had mine installed three weeks ago and still drive with the windows down as often as possible :)

I suspect it's just a different batch with a new logo.

How do you like your exhaust? I had mine installed three weeks ago and still drive with the windows down as often as possible :)

Any chance either of you could do a in car video and a drive by also?

I love it. Do you have the down pipes as well? I imagine you have the catted version also? There was definitely a break in period, I'd say yea probably about 3 weeks till I really really liked the sound. Initially my wife did not like it at all, I personally liked it from the start but did want a deeper sound when giving it gas. It now sounds great, I constantly get compliments on it when I go to the car shows/meets here. These really are amazing vehicles and I'm making it known in my state lol. Let the wife drive the cruise the other weekend and she smoked two crotch rockets and a transam and this group of guys were freaking out saying they were going to put it on YouTube but I have not been able to find it yet. I hope to eventually move up to the 93 octane tune when I have enough money to afford to mix fuels since 91 is the highest in my state.
Also I will try and get some of those sound clips up, was going to go do it now but the wife said no, stay in bed, I have to do it tomorrow lol. I swear I always have an itch to drive my behemoth. If she passes out soon I'll go lol

Have you run your X at the track? If so what did it run and are you happy with the performance the total exhaust gave you?

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X-Pipe install and resonator delete

Just had the resonator removed and installed an X-Pipe. Kept the factory mufflers for now and replaced the factory tips with some 4" stainless ones. The exhaust sounds pretty much the same with no drone. It may have a little deeper sound on start up but nothing drastic. I am hoping it will flow better now that the restrictions have been removed from section (2) of the cat-back.
The photographs were taken before the final welds were completed and the pipes were painted with high temp exhaust paint. I will try and get some pics of the final results. It looks good painted black. Polished stainless would probably look better but no one sees the exhaust under the truck.


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