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Electrical Gremlins


New Member
August 17, 2023
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City, State
Baltimore, MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 explorer xlt
Good evening, noob to the forums and wondering if anyone would have some insight into my troubles. Is there anything common to the shifter interlock solenoid and the interior lights?

Issues started yesterday morning got in and could not get it out of park. I verified brake lights work, but the solenoid in the shifter is not actuating to allow movement out of Park. I did throw a multimeter on the connector going to the solenoid, I get 12 volts normally and 0 volts when brakes applied. Seems backwards to me but I assume the solenoid is faulty. I cannot find just the solenoid, looks like I have to swap the whole shifter assembly out. Which brings me to issue 2.

Today I get in and the battery is dead, I jump start it and everything goes well until I notice no interior lights are working. Verified fuses 4 and 12 are not blown on the interior fuse panel.

Any direction as to what to check next would be greatly appreciated. Is there anything common between the two?

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Did you attempt to use the manual Brake-Shift Interlock release method described in the Owner's Guide to get it out of Park?
I have no idea what if anything is common between the 2 issues except that both require power.

