Enable auto-lock | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Enable auto-lock


March 6, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Caen, Calvados
Year, Model & Trim Level
2021 Ford Explorer ST Lin

First, thanks for the welcome messages! Now here's my first question:

I can't enable the auto-locking of the doors (aka carjack protection) above a certain speed. I'm fairly sure it worked initially, and I can't figure how it got disabled.

I have found instructions for that, e.g. here. There's even an official Ford video about it somewhere. In short: engine start, unlock x3, engine stop, unlock x3, engine start.

I think I faithfully follow these 1st steps, but at this point the horn is supposed to beep, to confirm that the car will accept the next command.

I never get that beep, so I can't (re-)enable the function.

I don't understand what I'm doing wrong. I'd appreciate your help. TIA, best regards, Daniel

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Welcome to the Forum Daniel. :wave:
You said that you wanted to ENABLE the autolock feature but the instructions and steps you took are to DISABLE autolock.
In the Owner's Manual it shows Autolock (if equipped). Are you sure that you have this function? Does it show up in any of the screen settings, perhaps under Driver Assist? As far as I know there is no Enable or Disable for autolock unless FORScan provides an option.
I did find this; how to enable autolock in a 2021 explorer - Google Search


Pretty sure my doors lock once I start moving & unlock upon opening the driver's door on shutdown.
IIRC, it's under vehicle settings in the Sync screen? If I get a few minutes I'll run out to the truck & confirm. Unless this is another decontent issue on a 21+

Edit: Just checked. Auto-Unlock is the only configurable option, so I'm assuming auto-lock should be always enabled. Unless there's a ForScan setting to disable it.
Might be worth a dealer stop if you're still under warranty.

Hi Peter and Jamador, thanks for replying.

Yes the text instructions show how to unlock, but as we can see in the video (it was that video, BTW) it's basically the same sequence (unlock, then lock). It sort of toggles auto-lock after entering the "program mode" (as in my 1st post). But I can never reach this point: I never get my horn to beep as a confirmation.

I checked again in Sync3 under Settings > Vehicle > Locking, and I do have an option to unlock automatically (when stopping, opening the driver door...) I need to take a snapshot of this setting screen, so that you can compare.

But then, how could the doors have been locked? Manually after I start?

However, the instructions in the video do not seem to have anything to do with Sync3.

Could the auto-lock be factory-disabled in France? Maybe...

Mine matches your description above.
I missed that you're in France. Maybe a different setting there for the auto-lock.

Hi Peter and Jamador, thanks for replying.

Yes the text instructions show how to unlock, but as we can see in the video (it was that video, BTW) it's basically the same sequence (unlock, then lock). It sort of toggles auto-lock after entering the "program mode" (as in my 1st post). But I can never reach this point: I never get my horn to beep as a confirmation.

I checked again in Sync3 under Settings > Vehicle > Locking, and I do have an option to unlock automatically (when stopping, opening the driver door...) I need to take a snapshot of this setting screen, so that you can compare.

But then, how could the doors have been locked? Manually after I start?

However, the instructions in the video do not seem to have anything to do with Sync3.

Could the auto-lock be factory-disabled in France? Maybe...
I'm guessing that your Explorer would have been labeled by the factory for 'Export'. I don't know exactly what impact that has on available features.
Since the Manual states "if equipped" it would mean that not all Explorers may have the Autolock and the Auto-Unlock feature would be there to unlock doors that were manually locked. If you are positive that you did have the feature at one time, then a visit to a dealer may be necessary.


I'm trying to attach a snapshot of what I see under vehicle > locking:

So... No Auto Lock option there. Do you perhaps have a more complete menu?

Now, I'm not 100% sure I had auto-lock before, but since I had that feature in my previous cars, I think I would have noticed it at once. Instead, I would say that happened when I got my car back after taking it to the dealer (for the rear bolt/parking brake affair). They had to perform some resets; maybe the auto-lock got disabled in the process.

I tried to ask Ford directly, but I got no reply so far.

Looks about the same as my menu, but in French
Mine definitely auto-locks, but I have no setting enable/disable that feature. Just the auto-unlock.

Thanks for the inputs and the link (I'll have to learn how to quote messages in this forum).

So, it's not looking good! The other French user had no luck with the Forscan software (which I don't know).

The only thing I could check myself is: do I follow correctly the procedure to enter the "program mode", that is:
engine start, unlock x3, engine stop, unlock x3, engine start
- "engine start" means pressing the ON button, but with or without applying the brake?
- do you get the infamous horn beep if you follow these steps? I never get it :-(

I'm bound to think that this possibility is completely blocked on the French Explorer.

Thanks for the inputs and the link (I'll have to learn how to quote messages in this forum).

So, it's not looking good! The other French user had no luck with the Forscan software (which I don't know).

The only thing I could check myself is: do I follow correctly the procedure to enter the "program mode", that is:
engine start, unlock x3, engine stop, unlock x3, engine start
- "engine start" means pressing the ON button, but with or without applying the brake?
- do you get the infamous horn beep if you follow these steps? I never get it :-(

I'm bound to think that this possibility is completely blocked on the French Explorer.
If may work different in France. Have you try contacting your dealer about it?

I found a German forum where it is explained how to program this using forscan and Sync 3.
However it is in German and you might use a Translation for a french/englisch version.
I have not tried it myself.

Thank you all for the replies!

I think I've understood something there. Aside from the link provided by Astrowest, I came across this one which seems to confirm one thing: outside the US, the normal procedure for enabling auto-lock (with button presses, as in the Ford official video) is definitely unavailable. One has to use "Forscan" to enable it.

Now, Forscan needs a special adapter (which I don't have) and a Windows PC (which I don't have either -- or is there a Mac equivalent?) and it frightens me a little. It's completely unofficial, isn't it? If anything goes wrong...

But surely the Ford dealers can do what Forscan does. I plan to visit my dealer, explain the problem in detail and ask them to perform the operation. We'll see if they agree. Then I'll come back here and report.


But surely the Ford dealers can do what Forscan does. I plan to visit my dealer, explain the problem in detail and ask them to perform the operation. We'll see if they agree. Then I'll come back here and report.
In reading many posts about having dealers change/modify settings, I have found that they are usually not willing to do it. This could be due to liability along with possible warranty issues.


I have never used Forscan so I can't help you there. I have however used a similar program on my Audi called VAGCOM. It is a Windows only program and I too have a Macintosh laptop. I use a piece of software called "Virtualbox" which is distributed free by Oracle to create and run a Windows virtual machine on the Macintosh. You will have to purchase a Windows OS license to load onto the virtual machine. Virtualbox works well and is free, though it is a little bit more complicated to set up than programs such as Parallels which do the same thing but cost a significant amount of money. If your Mac has an Intel processor you can also create a Windows partition on the hard drive, install Windows on it and have the machine boot up as a Windows computer. Bonne chance.

... Merci!

Hmm... I even don't have a Windows license! Perhaps I could run Forscan on an old Linux laptop running Wine? This seems unreasonably complicated to me -- and a bit risky, too. I'll try and see if I can borrow a Windows laptop.

Pas de probleme. Je n'ai pas utilise Wine. A quick check of Ebay USA showed Windows 10 license and DVD for about $USA 40. Be careful what you purchase if you do that to ensure you get a legal product "sans malware".

Hi all, I'm not trying to revive an old thread... I just want to report that I finally solved my auto-locking issue.

The Forscan software was indeed the solution. For reference, I went into the APIM section and enabled the "auto-lock control function". Now I have a new line on the dashboard under "vehicle - locking" which lets me enable auto-locking. I'm trying to attach an image.

Thanks again to all those who helped. And May 8th is a fitting date to shout "Victory" :)

