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exhaust install


Explorer Addict
August 17, 2004
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City, State
Brooklyn New York
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 explorer xlt
how much does an avg exhaust install cost not including parts? i am putting in a cat back system and bought flow master force II for my truck just want an avg price to install so i dont get ripped off thanks alot for any help

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That's a bolt-on kit.. you can do it yourself in under an hour. Were you planning on getting it welded or something? I can't imagine it costing more than 1 hour of labor.

I would like to put a cat back system into my truck but am not sure where to buy one that would be awsome and compatable at the same time...?

Jegs or Summit has the flow master cat back system its called the force II its 159.99 from what iver heard its pretty good

So, did you get it installed? How does it sound?

I installed the flowmaster system designed for the X (from Jegs) myself. I swore off doing exhausts years ago, but it looked so easy, I couldn't pass it up. It was easy, although removing the old studs at the cat was somewhat of a challenge. It sounds better than OEM, but not too loud, either. If you want a really loud exhaust, I suggest you customize by selecting a louder muffler. There are plenty of posts on this ... try the mod section and do a search.

DIY!!! It's very easy! And you'll have some self-pride in your truck! I spent more time getting the old exhaust out than it took to put my Borla cat-back on! removal took about 45 minutes, would've been quicker but didn't own a hack saw at the time, so I took it out in piece...had the Borla on in about 20 minutes!

I have the Force II on my 94(V6).. nice low growl, not loud. Easy to install.
