Exploding with questions- hellerrr? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exploding with questions- hellerrr?

March 24, 2020
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2004 explorer XLT
Hey guys I'm new to the forum here and I need dome serious help with with my wife's explorer. Just like many of you, I'm an at home mr fix it. I've not been able to locate much help thru my side chick google. Very dissapointed. I have a 2004 explorer xlt my temp, tach and Speedo gauges went out. Has anyone a good underatanding of these things?

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Check this thread it may be helpful:

Welcome to the forum:chug:


Thanks! Hoping to get some responses on my threads from earlier today. Any chance you have any Instrument cluster repair knowledge?
Ok... Well I think I may have did an oopsie... So in my testing this instrument cluster, my diode setting revealed a suspicious diode. So I pulled it out to test it out of circuit for a true reading, it checked out ok. So the next few steps is where the oopsie happened. So I resoldered the diode, tested and values the same. So I said fudge it let me swap a known working stepper motor to the known failed one just for ***** and giggles. My resistance in circuit was 228 ohm ish for the good and bad one. Well 225.4 on the good one and malfunctioning one a bit higher. So I switched them. Retested resistance..... Umm... Now 5 megaohms. So wtf happened? Its unclear to me. Any thoughts? Even if its to say kick rocks. Thanks!

Thanks! Hoping to get some responses on my threads from earlier today. Any chance you have any Instrument cluster repair knowledge?
I moved you thread into a better section to get some help.

I moved you thread into a better section to get some help.

Thank you! Also a quick update. I moved the solder around a little bit on an a stepper motor i didn't resolver. The resistance value increased just by doing this. I'm thinking my "electrical solder " has a higher resistance than what they were using 18 years ago. So I will test the cluster stepper motor swap later when I get home. And see what happens
