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Explorer Heater Problems


Elite Explorer
January 7, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Maysville, KY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'92 Explorer XL 4x4
My Explorer seems to be taking forever to heat up (inside) and even after 30 minutes doesnt seem to get very warm inside the truck. (6 degree weather too!) What could be causing this? Thermostat? Heater Core? How hard are these to replace? Thanks for any suggestions. :)

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What does your gauge get up to?

Check the heater lines going through the firewall - if they're not hot chances are its the t-stat. If you decide it is the tstat, replace it with a 195deg, not a performance 180.

It barely makes it to the C on the gauge even after like an hour of driving. How hard is it to install a thermostat in a 92 Explorer? Thanks.

if it's like a 96 4.OHV, not too bad at all. Aside from the mess with the coolant, it's removing a hose or two, three (?) bolts off, replace the stat, 3 bolts on and you're set - if you haven't yet gotten one, p/u a Haynes manual

Did you lose much coolant when you changed yours?

Not a ton - if i remember correctly, there's an upright "L" shaped pipe coming out of the front of the engine with a large diameter radiator hose coming off that. You'll lose a bit of coolant onto the engine here (unless you drain the system first, but i didn't waste time on that). Unhook the hose from the "L" coolant intake pipe. Unbolt the bolts, put in the new 'stat with new gasket/o-ring and reinstall. Top off the radiator if needed. Run engine 'til operating temp, check level in resivoir, add if necessary to "warm" level. When engine is cold, check radiator & resivoir and add as needed.

thank you for all the help...I just went to the parts store and got anitfreeze, thermostat and seal. Do I just fill the radiator to the top afterwards? Thanks.

On a 92 OHV, there will be a 3 bolt housing on the top of the intake manifold. You will lose a bit of coolant, but it's a good idea to flush the radiator while your doing it. Get a gallon of coolant, and drain off the radiator first. It will make your life easier when you go to clean the thermostat housing gasket.

Make sure to install the thermostat in the correct direction. Make sure it "POINTS" to the radiator. You will need the rubber Thermostat Seal as well, if you didnt get that.

Once you have reinstalled the thermostat and bolted the housing down, and installed the upper radiator hose, fill the radiator, and start the engine with the cap off. Run it for 5 minutes top! That will get it warm enough to help purge the airpocket. Shut the truck off, and add more fluid. you'll have to play with it to get the level back to the top.

Once you've gotten as much coolant in it as wll go, cap it up, and run it, being very wary of the temp gauge. Once you've test driven it, let it cool off and check coolant level one more time. Check for leaks. And you're done.
