Exterior Trim A-Pillar Recall | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Exterior Trim A-Pillar Recall


March 19, 2024
Reaction score
City, State
Sanford, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Explorer Limited
Has anyone gotten the windshield trim replaced by the dealership for the Recall? I called today and they do not have any in inventory. I was wondering if they replaced both the inner and outer or just the trim piece? I was told they do both sides. My passenger side windshield trim flew out today on the highway. I am going to call another dealership and see if they have any in stock.


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There is another thread about this from a few months back, I think they were supposed to get inventory sometime during the summer and let people know.

There is another thread about this from a few months back, I think they were supposed to get inventory sometime during the summer and let people know.
Do you know if it's ok to drive in the rain without the outer trim? I am not sure if water will then get in to places it shouldn't.

Can't say for sure, but that trim doesn't create water-tight seal, which is around the windshield, so I would go for it it were me. I would make sure your cowl drains are clear and remove and trash these 2 pieces.


Has anyone gotten the windshield trim replaced by the dealership for the Recall? I called today and they do not have any in inventory. I was wondering if they replaced both the inner and outer or just the trim piece? I was told they do both sides. My passenger side windshield trim flew out today on the highway. I am going to call another dealership and see if they have any in stock.

Check this thread:


As I’m new to this forum and unsure if it’s related so I have cross posted to a couple of additional forum. I’m addressing concerns with the A-pillar trim pieces. Water accumulates in the passenger side floorboard without an antifreeze smell, ruling out the heater core. Additionally, water seeps in through the headlights, saturating the front headliners and both sun visors. Rain is managed by covering the car, but unexpected showers during errands are noticeable. Despite a pre-recall inspection of the sunroof, it’s now inoperable. Radio components and USB ports also experienced issues. We contacted Ford customer service, who recommended a diagnostics appointment to check for any recall-related issues. Apologies for the lengthy post.

The A-pillar trim recall is just an inspection right now from what I am told. The rubber strips on mine which go along the edge of the windshield are very dry rotted, but the pillar moldings are still holding on good there.

As I’m new to this forum and unsure if it’s related so I have cross posted to a couple of additional forum. I’m addressing concerns with the A-pillar trim pieces. Water accumulates in the passenger side floorboard without an antifreeze smell, ruling out the heater core. Additionally, water seeps in through the headlights, saturating the front headliners and both sun visors. Rain is managed by covering the car, but unexpected showers during errands are noticeable. Despite a pre-recall inspection of the sunroof, it’s now inoperable. Radio components and USB ports also experienced issues. We contacted Ford customer service, who recommended a diagnostics appointment to check for any recall-related issues. Apologies for the lengthy post.
What you are experiencing is most likely from clogged sunroof drains. I recommend cleaning your sunroof drains and the seal around the sunroof glass. That should at least help stop the water intrusion.

The A-pillar trim recall is just an inspection right now from what I am told. The rubber strips on mine which go along the edge of the windshield are very dry rotted, but the pillar moldings are still holding on good there.

What you are experiencing is most likely from clogged sunroof drains. I recommend cleaning your sunroof drains and the seal around the sunroof glass. That should at least help stop the water intrusion.
We had that inspected unfortunately that wasn’t the issue.

We had that inspected unfortunately that wasn’t the issue.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
As mentioned, water pooling in the footwell is usually a sign of blocked or disconnected moonroof drains. If that isn't the problem, the moonroof seal might be the issue.
I don't see any way that water seeping in through the headlights would make it up to the headliner. I'm guessing you mean water is coming in from around the headlight housings and not through the headlights. Are you sure the water isn't coming in through a windshield leak? That would make more sense and you should be able to test that with a hose. The water leak there likely has affected the moonroof motor and that is why it isn't working.
Are you the original owner?


Has anyone gotten the windshield trim replaced by the dealership for the Recall? I called today and they do not have any in inventory. I was wondering if they replaced both the inner and outer or just the trim piece? I was told they do both sides. My passenger side windshield trim flew out today on the highway. I am going to call another dealership and see if they have any in stock.

My understanding is the replacement parts will not be available until late 2024.

Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
As mentioned, water pooling in the footwell is usually a sign of blocked or disconnected moonroof drains. If that isn't the problem, the moonroof seal might be the issue.
I don't see any way that water seeping in through the headlights would make it up to the headliner. I'm guessing you mean water is coming in from around the headlight housings and not through the headlights. Are you sure the water isn't coming in through a windshield leak? That would make more sense and you should be able to test that with a hose. The water leak there likely has affected the moonroof motor and that is why it isn't working.
Are you the original owner?


My apologies I didn’t see where it said headlights I meant the interior dome lights located in the front of the vehicle where the controls to the sunroof are. I did talk to text so I’m sorry if a few words were misplaced. It’s not coming in through the headlights. The moonroof drains are not clogged as they were checked prior to the recall being issued. Not sure why they didn’t further investigate but it’s still saturating the headliners and floorboards. I know it’s not the greatest fix but we purchased flex seal clear tape and placed it just on the windshield portion itself and the leak decreased. We have an appointment with the dealership in about a week or so for them to do diagnostics on it. If that is the issue hopefully they can fix the damage done. On both the driver and passenger side it gets saturated with water. It takes us about 4 or 5 times emptying out our carpet cleaner getting all the water out.

Did they confirm the rear sunroof drains were clear? They are harder to get to, as you have to unbolt the glass from inside and shift the whole thing forward

Did they confirm the rear sunroof drains were clear? They are harder to get to, as you have to unbolt the glass from inside and shift the whole thing forward
Yes they did on both sides.
