Feelin seriously down today :/ | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Feelin seriously down today :/


Active Member
May 24, 2009
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 XLT
Long post, but please read! im really bummed.

Today me and a friend of mine decided to take my ex out in the woods to hit some trails. We werent even looking to do any serious wheelin, just looking for a fun place to come back to.

We found a good, muddy trail, and on the way down the trail LEADING to the trail, we got totally stuck! my ex is a stock 2x4, but still, this was ridiculous because only 1 rear tire was in the mud. We tried to get out, I couldnt get traction, and we had to have my friend come get us with his JEEP! :( Yeah, he thought it was really funny.

I know this is a 2x4 stock ex, but even so... this mud was pretty dry, and wasnt deep AT ALL! so what gives?

I always look up to you guys with the lifted Ex's sittin on 33 inch tires, lifted up, trailready. is a 2 wheel drive explorer even feasible for trail use?? My dad is telling me that "explorers just arent made for that, son!" I see you guys doin it, and I really want to.

so question is, will 31 mudders make my truck trail ridable, (mostly mud in florida) or will I never be as capable as other vehicles. If it really doesn't take much to be capable (for example, if you think a locker would fix my limited slip) please tell me what my first priority should be.

Much love,


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If your limited slip is done then its an open diff, and if you have 2wd and an open diff you can get stuck on flat ground in a parking lot, with just a tiny spot of ice.

Actually, most Explorer ARE made for just that, just not yours. Being a 2X4 with a limited slip differential, your axle provides the most power to the wheel that has the "least" amount of traction. Being able to "lock" your differential would be helpful in your situation if trading your current Ex in on a 4X4 model isn't feasible.

So if I keep my ex, a locker and some 31s should make me SOMEWHAT capable? and I just checked to make sure, its a 3.73 limited slip.

bummer, was hoping to hear that 2wd ex's are viable :( ok well im gonna save up a thousand or so, and sell my ex, probably get a jeep cherokee. Hate to go to the dark side though :(

well if you sell your second gen, you could easily (or at least i would think so) find a 4x4 first gen on craigslist for an affordable price...

a locked 2WD is just as capable as an open 4WD........

yea get a locker (around $300-$400) and you can take on much better trails with aggressive tires

a locked 2WD is just as capable as an open 4WD........

Hmm. Maybe if the 4wd had highway tires and the 2wd had mudders on it. Then i would say they are comparable.

There was a 2nd gen 2wd with a rear locker and some other goodies.. Search for Splat

Get a rear locker and if that isn't enough for you... convert your 4x2 into a 4x4! :cool: I don't know if I would say a locked 2wd is as capable as an open 4wd. At least not in the snow. Probably not the mud either (I've seen the stuff, I just avoided it :) ).

okkk then how about traversing a ditch.ha! now 2wd locked wins ;)
