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Floor Mat WeatherTech or Husky


Active Member
October 5, 2010
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2005 Ford Explore Limited

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my dad had the husky brand kind that goes over the whole carpet for the back for his chevy avalanche (he spilled boat cleaner or something and it ate the carpet), worked good for him for years. personaly a floormats a floormat and the cheeper the better. if your worried about damaging the carpet go with the weathertech they seem to cover more, and the sides look like they would keep the dirt on the mat and not from moving into the carpet around the mat.
theres always the point that you get what you pay for and from the pictures the weathertech looks to be of better quality (IDK looks less flimsy to me)
good luck

edit; now you got me interested in the weathertech cargo liner.

Thank you.

I forgot, my concern is twofold: Durability and protect the carpet.

About cargo liner, is there a brand that fits both options - with the third seat and without the third seat?

you mean with seat up and seat down?


With the third seat:

Without the third seat:

I would go with Weathetech. I like the coverage they provide and you can buy a setup for just about any layout you might possibly have.


No vote for the Husky. I have no more reason to continue thinking, thinking ...:scratch: - WeatherTech is the best option.

Thank you all.
