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Active Member
March 23, 2004
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Walnut Creek, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 XLT
I got a 1991 explorer and looking to get just a muffler. Anyone got a flow or somethin else that they recommend? what size inlet and outlet pipes? offcenter/center? any info would be helpful.

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I got a 40 delta flow, it came with 2.25 pipe, and it was single in/out one was offset, but that worked out nice, went in without to much trouble, just getting the last section over the axle was the only thing that wasn't cake. Oh, this was also a catback kit, not just a muffler, I got it for 180$ on the net.

i got the dynomax ultraflow, cat back it was same as the above price 180, they wanted to charge me 175 for the stock and i said screw it might as well get something that might make her sound a bit better for $5 more, this was also installed for that price.

I just bought a cat-back kit from Rock Auto-- whatever it was they had listed for my '94 (I wasn't looking for a performance muffler, just something without holes). It was about $130 including shipping and it fits and works great. It took about 1 1/2 hours to install and probably would have taken less time if I had ever done it before. The pipes are pre-bent to the right shapes, the hangers are in the right places and the kit came with the clamps and gasket.

You'll probably want to install a cat-back kit rather than just a muffler. I'm glad I didn't have to try to separate the rusty pipes from the rusty old muffler-- I just cut them off with a hacksaw.

go to a little mom and pop shop with a 40 series bought elsewhere and have them custom bend the pipe for you. 2.25 inch is the best, i had mine done for 120 bucks from the cat back. Ordering the pre bent stuff is a waste of money.

sorry now that ive read the above posts Im suprised at how cheap some people got the pre bent stuff. It used to be more expensive from what I remember...

I wouldnt get cat back duals, i would really prefer tru duals. Just personal preference for me.. ive heard some of the cat back exhausts, and no offence to anyone, i didnt like them much. I dont even like mine but also cat back i figure has good performance vs single muffler, for a reasonable price. Tru duals would probably cost too much..

Goonowsky said:
I got a 1991 explorer and looking to get just a muffler. Anyone got a flow or somethin else that they recommend? what size inlet and outlet pipes? offcenter/center? any info would be helpful.

I only buy from these guys, great prices, fast shipping, and the cheapest anywere,


I have stock cats, flowmaster 40 NON-delta cuss i think they sound like a honda, with 2.25 pipe all the way to a 3 inch tip, sounds freaking awesome,

I would not recommend anything bigger than 2.25 inch pipe since we all have ohc motors, sohc i would still do 2.25 -2.50 3 inch pipe is over kill.

and if u feel the need to run a test pipe, kiss your gas milage good bye

The MagnaFlows are very nice as well.

Flowmaster, delta 50 series. Nice sound, not too loud, pretty throaty, have been wondering if i should've grabbed the 40 series, ( the louder one). 2 1/4 in and out, i got mine for 80$ from summit, had them pricematch, and got free shipping. I had previously bought a tail pipe without a resinator from a napa like store, for 30$. not bad all about 120$ right now its just clamped. holding fine. might weld it in the summer. probably wont need to though.

I would go for the welding, it will be worth it if you're keeping that system for even a short time. There was a thread about it, but clamps can rust, leak, or fall off of course. If you do any 4x4ing its worth it just so it doesnt come off, LOL

ok well i just bout the super 40 series but realized i have 2 in and 2 out and i ordered single in and out so i have to cancel my order and go for the 2 in single out and then change my exit piping, my question is what would sound better? keeping it duel or just going out one pipe swept side? and how come mine is rigged 2 in and most other explorers r the other way around?

You don't HAVE TO get duel in single/double out.....I have duel in stock but I got single in because all you have to do is get a shop to weld you a Y-pipe.
Heres what I did.....



so you just had someone weld together your 2 inlet pipes to go in single and then went duel outlet to finish off your duel exhaust? what kind of muffler do u have and how does that sound on your explorer? (i have 4.0 sohc) i have mellowtone right now so i need some better soundin exhaust

if you were to weld the two inlet pipes together to form a single inlet and then came out with a single outlet and took the pipe swept side what kind of difference in sound would that make then using a duel outlet to come out with duel pipe exhaust?

SteveO2569 said:
so you just had someone weld together your 2 inlet pipes to go in single and then went duel outlet to finish off your duel exhaust? what kind of muffler do u have and how does that sound on your explorer? (i have 4.0 sohc) i have mellowtone right now so i need some better soundin exhaust
I didn't have it done yet but everyone I talked to said it will work and I have heard the Original 40 series on a V6 and it has a very nice musclecar sound.

SteveO2569 said:
if you were to weld the two inlet pipes together to form a single inlet and then came out with a single outlet and took the pipe swept side what kind of difference in sound would that make then using a duel outlet to come out with duel pipe exhaust?
The duel out would be louder than single.

in your opinion what do u think would make the V6 sound bettter the swept side or duel?

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Am compeled to interject, you guys keep dicking around with DUELS, someone is going to get killed, or at least lose an eye.
That being said, consider catback single in, DUAL, side out, sound is to die for.


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