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Ford towing a Chevy

April 22, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Cleveland, Ohio
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 sport, 96 limited
Thought you guys might enjoy this..

Some of the Chevy people said that the Chevy was simply "pushing" the Ford...


But I dont have that truck anymore.. damn black ice..


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pic 1, Very cool

pic 2, not cool. Hope everyone was ok!

What did you hit...a house?

Whatever you hit did not give at all, that is a nasty lookin front end. Cool lookin car that you are towing though.

Ouch! That truck is sure messed up....What did you hit?

The car: a '64 Chevy Impala right? Nice.

I hit it twice :eek: :eek:

It was the dividing wall on the highway, solid cement..
I had the cruise control on and started spinning... I was always taught to just remove foot from accelerator in a spin... and not hit the brake..
but with the cruise on, it sensed the decrease in forward speed from the spin, and nailed the gas for me, just making things worse....

heres a pic of the back..

i seen a old ranger like mid 80s pulling a mid 90s blazer today, i had to laugh out loud to myself when i seen it

Here is my Ford towing my Chevy...The 'Vair broke a rocker in half (still not sure how that happend) so the 'ploder came to the rescue and flat towed it about 100 miles home...


  • truck+vair resized.jpg
    truck+vair resized.jpg
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Jeeze...did you get hurt?

Cruise Control + Bad Weather = :roll:

Some of the guys most likely have seen a movie we shot at a Superlift event that took place like 2 years ago in Attica Indiana... Matt pulled a Chevy full size pick-up out of a mudpit and Rick has pulled another Chevy out of a swamp.... I do have pictures of Rick's but have nothing on the one Matt pulled out. Funny thing happened when the guy opened the driver door after we got him out..... lots of muddy water poured out. I still remember that after this Scott has gone through that mudpit forward and backward in his Explorer...

man it was funny. No fun seeing your truck like this though. I have seen a few cars hitting a wall on the highway, not pretty.

I wish that traffic wasn't so bad for me to take a picture, but I witnessed a late model F-150 pulling a late model Silverado on a tandem axle trailer about 2 months ago.

My X got towed my a nissan frontier. how embarassing

I pulled a lifted full size chevy out of the sand a while ago, it was fun, especially when all this mud got flung on it from my tires, hehe.

Sunday I pulled our full size 4x4 Chevy pickup out of a muddy pasture with my X

Originally posted by Dre
Some of the guys most likely have seen a movie we shot at a Superlift event that took place like 2 years ago in Attica Indiana... Matt pulled a Chevy full size pick-up out of a mudpit and Rick has pulled another Chevy out of a swamp.... I do have pictures of Rick's but have nothing on the one Matt pulled out. Funny thing happened when the guy opened the driver door after we got him out..... lots of muddy water poured out. I still remember that after this Scott has gone through that mudpit forward and backward in his Explorer...

I got it all on video! :D

I towed an old CJ about a mile the other day. Idiot had blown up his rear differential by stompin the gas and poppin the clutch too quick. It is a Jeep thing and I don't understand them...

my buddy has a 70s model K5 Blazer with 35's on it 8" of lift i have pulled him out on several occasions, as he has me though but i was stock! seems to me those things sink like a rock but when my trans went out i got pulled in by my friend in a camaro! I didnt mind i like camaros

i towed by old chevy wagon (84) we our freind ran it out of gas. no problem for the ex.

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