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Front Skid Plate

Well, the 5.0 filter is right at the front of the engine, ****ed sideways so you always spill right on your power steering cooler, haha. No big deal though, I can handle removing a few extra bolts to do an oil change. Thanks

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Hey guys was just looking around and noticed this thread, skid plate looks great Tom!

I know the price seems high to some but I promise it's only because the production cost of making a skid plate of this quality and material is expensive. (I could make them cheaper but a skid plate is only as good as its ability to be smashed and banged without damaging the truck)

Oh Ps. I've got a new website now, address is still

Ahhh, damn you! I was gonna hold off on this for a while, but at 148 for the powdercoated with free shipping I just can't say no to. Just ordered it :D I was gonna get the non powdercoated one but it's actually cheaper to just get the powdercoated one.

Does that transfer case skid plate fit a '98 5.0 AWD (BW4404) transfer case by the way?

Oh, and your new website looks nice, everything is laid out very well. I'd like to see your "About Us" have its own page though, rather than just the catalog. I always like to know a little bit about the companies I buy stuff from.

So I got mine in last night. This thing is beefy. The laser cutting was perfect, no scratches or blemishes in the powdercoating, and it was packaged very well. Can't wait to hit some rocks with it :D

Hmmm looks,good, but I can't swing thing much money just yet.

MY RCI SKid Plate

Got mine installed the other day... Love this thing! Trimmed it up a little so that it wouldn't hit my front receiver hitch. Since I moved it back a bit more on the frame than it's intended I had to remove some metal off of the back end so that it wouldn't hit the front diff. All good now though! Just need to reinstall my cross member skid plat from Superlift and I'll be all set up front.


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Did you have him custom cut the MAN on there? And I'd like to see a picture with the superlift skid plate on there too, that's how mine will be set up as well.

Did you have him custom cut the MAN on there? And I'd like to see a picture with the superlift skid plate on there too, that's how mine will be set up as well.

Yep I asked and for an additional cost he cut the M.A.N. (my initials) in there. Goal is to get the superlift plate installed tonght. will probably have to trim part of the front lip so that it doesn't hit the other plate.

VERY cool!!! And monogrammed!!

Hey Michael, nice work that looks great! I didn't realize you were putting the plate on a superlifted truck, but looks like it worked well! I'm interested to know how it worked out with the superlift skid plate as well.

I'd like to see a pic of it with the Superlift skid plate too.

Superlift skid plate installed. Reformatting pictures right now to upload.

Both Front Skid Plates Installed

Here they are. I'm happy with the end result. While I was at it; decided to sand and repaint / protect the front frame rails and bumper brackets. Frame is now fully protected and painted.


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that looks damn good.

Looks awesome man. Should provide quite a bit of front end protection too. Thanks for putting the pictures up

No problem, and thanks for all the praise. I think i'm going to purchase some synthetic winch line soon to free up some weight in the front. Plus the cable is kinda rusting up there. Not a good thing.

How much did it cost you to make those tie rod ends? Sorry to the OP if his thread was high jacked lol

I didn't make them. Bought them from a guy on here that made them, then went a different route. Parts total is probably around 150

Ah ok. I think I may try to make some from Racecar engineering here in Lakeland Florida....

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They are worth it. Once I went to 35s the stock tierods did not like it at all.
