Fuel aroma & evap codes (or lack thereof) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel aroma & evap codes (or lack thereof)

October 10, 2019
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1997 Mountaineer
Good morning everyone. I occasionally catch a whiff of what I think may be fuel aroma around the back of my 1997 Mountaineer (5.0).

The truck is rusty, so I suspect the evap line, filler neck, or maybe even the fuel tank could have some level of perforation. Or it could just be spilled fuel from the last time I filled up. Any tips on narrowing things down? I assume if any of these items had a leak of any significance I would be getting some kind of evap system code?

I never see any actual liquid fuel leaking, so I am probably making mountains out of mole hills, but I would like to get ahead of this problem before it gets any worse.

Thank you!


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It has been a month, giving this thread a bump hoping someone can shed some light on whether I should expect to get an evap code if I've got a small leak in the fuel system somewhere. Maybe it is the evap canister itself...

No codes with a smell = dirty canister imo
Replace it for the repair
Its above the spare tire
How does it fill ?
Does the pump click off ?

The purge valve also gets a little grit in it sometimes and it can't close all the way I suggest checking that it is attached to the canister Clean it test it with a 9 volt battery

Thanks for the information. The tanks fills & clicks off normally. I should get underneath and sniff around a little more. It is does seem to be strongest at the rear of the car vs near the filler.

Thanks for the information. The tanks fills & clicks off normally. I should get underneath and sniff around a little more. It is does seem to be strongest at the rear of the car vs near the filler.
There is a vapor vent line near the filler area, that runs in the frame. You need too get underneath and inspect.

The charcoal canister and all Evap
Plumbing are mounted above the spare tire, likely a failed tube up there
