Fuel Injector Cleaning-send them out or DIY? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Fuel Injector Cleaning-send them out or DIY?


Elite Explorer
February 6, 2016
Reaction score
City, State
No. Alabama USA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Blue Ex 4.0 SOHC
KAGG 3611 (CB)
I have found where this question has been asked before and wondering if I should send out the 5.0 injectors to a cleaning service or do it myself? The engine has not run in 3+ years. Last month I removed the fuel and it looked and smelled good. In fact I used 3 gallons at a time with 6 new gallons in the '97 V-6 beater and could not tell any performance deficiencies. I've read a little about a guy cleaning his own with this type of tool,
MRCARTOOL® Ultrasonic Fuel Injector Cleaner Tester Car Nozzle Cleaning Machine
Using water and a little soap as his cleaning solution.
Any thoughts or recommendations?
A cleaning service that I located online would be $25 for each injector times 8 plus shipping?

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I'd clean them myself tons of videos on YouTube
Its easy

That ebay ad that I posted a link to is misleading. The lead picture of the V308 is at least a $300- machine. @donalds What tool and method have you used?
I have tested some using a valve stem snapped on to the injector and using Walmart carb cleaner, but it didn't clean them.

Last summer I put together this little tool to snap on the end of the injector. It worked with exception of when the injector was closed, the red pipette would blow off of the carb cleaner and spray back on to the operator. I felt a little bad about putting 12 volts to the injector for any extended period of time. Would a 9 volt battery be better or 5 volts dc from a computer power supply?
comment: Darn picture I just saved from another place won't let me load it.
Post #75 has picture of test adapter and wiring connector
ADDED: Walmart cheap carb cleaner seems to be watery and ineffective. Any good carb cleaner suggestions that aren't expensive?

I used a 9 v battery you can use a AA battery to
You have to run the cleaner through there with the valve open and close it a few times

Careful sparks plus brake clean
Having a helper pulse it for you would be great

Carb cleaner not brake clean

Must make sure the tool and the red straw do not come off, easiest way to do that is have power to injector before you press on the can nozzle. Just a few taps is all you need to check the spray pattern and see the injector fire on and off

This is not really for cleaning them, it is more for testing them…

$25 per injector? You can just buy a set of reman for like $80-100 shipped

Update: I purchased a reman set of 8 Bosch injectors for my project with the type of connector to match the wiring harness that I'm using. I spent less than buying a cleaning apparatus.
1999CVremanfuel injector.jpg

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