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Gas Milage


Well-Known Member
January 31, 2000
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Radford/Franklin, Virginia
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I was wondering if my 91 four dour explorer has something wrong with it. I get about 10-12 mile a gallon and i don't think that is right, and that is high way miles. I have KO 30's, flow master, K&N filter, new tranny, and other things. If i had bigger tires or something like that i would understand, but i don't. My engine has 93,000 miles on it so its not that old. If someone on here could tell me what i can do or if it is just what an explorer gets. If anyone could help please do. This is the best web-page on the web.

RU Man


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RU MAN 10 to 12 mpg is way on the low side for highway driving. I would check your fuel pressure regulator, o2 sensor, mass airflow sensor, spark plugs, and ignition wires to start. I replaced my fuel pressure regulator five months ago and my mpg went from 12 to 18 on the highway. I also run Bosch +4 plugs and am very happy with them. This site was a big help for my troubleshooting, you can get a lot of good leads here.

Bob Trimmer
92 EB Explorer
98 EB Expedition

Ditto on Bob Trimmer post,

You might also want to look in to replacing the fuel filter, they don't cost that much and it's pretty easy to change. It's good to change the fuel filter about once a year, wheather it's bad or not.


Ditto on Bob Trimmer's post,

You might also want to look in to replacing the fuel filter, they don't cost that much and it's pretty easy to change. It's good to change the fuel filter about once a year, wheather it's bad or not.


I think you have a problem somewhere. I have a '91 4dr with an automatic trans, and 4.0, and it gets about 21 on the highway, and about 15 in town. The worst I've ever got was 19.6. I changed the plugs and wires, and was back to 21mpg. I'd start with a tune up. It can make a big difference.

