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Gilmer, TX 4-24-04

You have to love seeing Gilmer dirt on the driveway of a Phoenix, AZ home. :)

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That last picture is a new 1" hole I drilled in the floor to let water drain out :D

Thats how I get the water out of mine :) You really to have to dig having a trail only vehicle. Imagine the poor guys with fully carpeted interiors still :)

Trckmagik said:
Thats how I get the water out of mine :) You really to have to dig having a trail only vehicle. Imagine the poor guys with fully carpeted interiors still :)

like me :p . i didnt even take my truck on the trail and ill be cleaning out the carpet for a while. i think ill just take it out because im so damn lazy :)

Hey Brian I resent that remark! My carpet is one of the very few items that are still factory on my BII! hahaha Mud wipes off leather no problem! It just takes a little more elbow grease to get her back to show condition! hahaha

Rick doesnt the Ex have those rubber floor plugs? THe BII does, though I have never used them since I still have an interior.....

The plugs are there but nowhere near where they need to be. The water creeps into areas where you need to drill :)

thats what towels are for ! hahaha

That would be to hard. In the time it takes me to towel the floor, I could have had the holes drilled and never have to worry with it again :)

Plus my friends like distruction (Sawzaws, Drills, Dremmels, Grinders, Cutting wheels, etc)

I created a 75Mb video of our Gilmer trip from still shots and video that I took.
It's in the Divx format. If you want a copy, please PM me and I will give you the URL to download it from.
I'm gonna control giving it out by PM, because it's on my home server over my Cable Modem connection. And I've setup the server only to allow two connections at a time, otherwise ya'll will kill my bandwidth and I won't even be able to surf the internet myself.



If you send it to Rick, he said he would host it. His server can handle it alot better.

I would PM Rick with the URL.

Trckmagik said:
Imagine the poor guys with fully carpeted interiors still

The day after God invented mud, he invented Husky Floor Liners!! Of course, it also helps if you have DOORS! :rolleyes:

Growing up around Amarillo, (Palo Duro Canyon, Canadian River) you learn that red mud is forever. If you don't want it stained, don't get it muddy.

John/MSupertek... I want videos! I don't care how big. Hard drive space is cheap (especially at work :cool: ).

The video is being uploaded here:

PLEASE Download and save this file. It will only remain available for a week or so on this server.

You need the Divx decoder to play this file. It can be downloaded from

Even with the plugin installed, it wouldn't work in Media Player for me. I had to use the Divx player.

<noises of tom checking the bandwidth meter>

Well, before that was posted the server set a record for amount of bandwidth used for a single month.. There's still a few hours left in this month, so it's going up for sure! :D

Great Vid :thumbsup:

How many downloads so far Tom? LOL

I can easily recompress that movie and make it an 7 or 8 meg file for those less fortunate (and to save on bandwidth). Heck I'll even host it. That alright John?

Jefe said:
Great Vid :thumbsup:

How many downloads so far Tom? LOL

I can easily recompress that movie and make it an 7 or 8 meg file for those less fortunate (and to save on bandwidth). Heck I'll even host it. That alright John?
Hey, if you can compress it down more and not lose the quality. Go for it. Plus, let me know how you did that. :)

Did John already fix his half shaft? I wish I could go but just not enough notice.

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Trckmagik said:
Did John already fix his half shaft? I wish I could go but just not enough notice.
It's gettin fixed tonight.
