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Good morning from Jacksonville Fl, 5.0 into 01 Ranger?


New Member
December 12, 2023
City, State
Jacksonville, Fl
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Ranger XLT
Good morning from Jacksonville, Fl,
I live on the North section of Jacksonville near the international airport. I'm retired and want to undertake a new project.

A while back I purchased a 1997 Ford Explorer XLT,with a strong 5.0 v8, the body and the interior are ragged out but the engine and transmission run beautifully. This is a vehicle that we used in my business to haul supplies and pull a utility trailer. I also own a 2001 Ford ranger XLT 4.0 v6 with extended cab, flare fenders which was a daily driver for me which I have own since brand new and have taken good care of it. The 2nd engine started to give me some problems and I don't want to put another engine into it.

Rather what I really want to do is transplant the '97 5.0 v8 into the 01 ranger. I've been told that it can be done with a bit of retrofitting.

Anyone out there make this swap before that can provide some insight?

Looking for some suggestions and ideas.

Gene A.

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@410Fortune may have a word or two for you on this, when he sees it.

Welcome to the forum. This swap is very easy, almost like an engine replacement. Some minor wiring that 410Fortune can explain. He's done billions of these swaps.

Suggestion 1
Start applying rust buster to the exhaust manifold to exhaust bolts on your 97. 50-50 mix of marvels oil, or trans fluid, and acetone loaded into a syringe to squirt small drops where needed. Daily droplets.

If you don't plan on headers which are nearly impossible to buy new, the 99-01 factory manifolds are not as restrictive.
