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Headers on eBay

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V8BoatBuilder said:
So wait... FMS made headers with the bung? How come these E52s have never been talked about around here before?
Because they've been out of production for a long, LONG time. Like, back in '99 kind of long time. For whatever reason, they quit selling the 52's several years before the 50/51's.

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the last time i called about these headers being avalible they told me not yet. on money day or tues i will find out if the ford warehouse has them and can send me a couple sets.

blk mk8 said:
the last time i called about these headers being avalible they told me not yet. on money day or tues i will find out if the ford warehouse has them and can send me a couple sets.

I'd be interested to see the price and construction of the new FMS headers in comparison to the pricey Torque Monster ones.

i have installed a couple sets of the old fms ones. i know for shure they fit real well and they should be fairly cheap about half of the other ones out there. i would not be any thing more expensive then the fms ones unless they atleast used a 1.5/8 or bigger tube.

Ditto blk mk8, I'd like at least 1.625" primaries, and preferably 2.5" collectors.

By the way, do a search on Ebay, for the TM headers. They have been on there for a while, for the exact same price as the "Group Buy."
Under $500 would be better, and still VERY high. Good luck,

Yes, it to makes me mad they will only make them with 1 1/2 primes. Go UP. It's too small. I'm probably just gonna break down and get a pair of the TM ones. These stock ones are killing my ETs.

Yes, it is extremely painful to just look at them! :(

Even more painfull to look at the FRPP ones though!

i may make some thing next week at work if i get a chance. all i have is mandrel bends in aluminized steel and stainless in 1 3/4 but i might be able to come up with a quick cheap fix.

Here are some pictures of my trial set of 1 5/8" headers from Chirstmas time. I am planning to re-do in 1 3/4" stainless once my routing is worked out. The passenger's side will require the trans cooler lines to be re-routed. On driver's side, I am planning to move #7 over the steering shaft, similar to #6.




Tsmoko, very nice. What kind of head is the connected to the header?

When you make the 1 3/4 ones, are you gonna sell the 1 5/8 ones you have or make duplicates of the 1 3/4 headers?

Hmmm.. wonder if those valve covers will work with my headers... :D :confused:

The head on the drivers side is a GT40-P. The head on the pass is a stock 95 mustang head. I was flip flopping both to make sure would work with either.

I had planned to make the 1 5/8 fit either head style and then have a header shop duplicate a few sets. Well, this is a whole lot more of a PITA, so I may just do what i need to to get 1 3/4 to work and be done with it. I am also 90% sure I am going to step up to a 351W based engine, so these would not work with the 302.

Unfortunately, it is not going to be reasonable to finish out these 302 headers, due to the time to finish and my schedule, tied with the tight confines of stock brake and trans lines. Then, I would have to have a header shop duplicate and ceramic coat. These would be ~$1200+ when done, so I doubt more than 1 person would be interested.

My 351W will have custom trans lines and I will move the brake and fuel lines from the tight spot by the driver's collector, so not really a bolt on!

Thanks for the compliments. Believe it or not, that is ~4 days work going back and forth to the welder, bandsaw, welder, bandsaw, as I re-did every joint numerous time...

i double check with the Ford racing warehouse and the headers are now avalible ready to ship. i can beat the prices on that ebay add. i can also mandrel bent 1 3/4 ss pipes so i can copy any header that is atleast that size. if any one needs bends or exhaust parts please let me know..

Any plans on making replicas of Troll's headers anytime soon??? I'd be in on that one

blk mk8, I just tried to pm you and your inbox was full. I sent a message to dan@speedfreak.cc. I am interested in your mandrel bending and SCT products. Please check the email and respond back to me.


as soon as my brother headers come off to do the turbo ones i will make copies. this may be at least 3 or 4 months till then i can make compies of these other ones or i can sell the frpp ones for the lower hp guys... although you can make more then 300 to the wheels with the frpp ones, i think that any thing with a 1.5 inch header tubes belongs on a stock truck.

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