headlights won't turn off 2nd gen | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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headlights won't turn off 2nd gen


August 22, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Calgary, Alberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
This may have been covered but my searches have not turned up what I need. This is my problem:

Up until today my headlights have been working fine. However we just had a crazy slush storm and the roads are covered in 3inch deep water/snow everywhere and my girlfriend drove my truck to work this morning only to discover that the headlights will not turn off.

when the switch is in the OFF position the high-beam indicator is on. however when I move the switch to the ON position the high-beam indicator turns off. The headlights remain on with the switch in the OFF position until I remove the fuse for Fog lamps and DRL. Any suggestions?

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Well, after pulling the DRL fuse, disconnecting the battery and then reconnecting everything the issue seems to be resolved for the time being. Now I'm wondering what exactly happened.

I'm not trying to sound like a smart a$$, but you do know that you can adjust how long the lights stay on after the truck is turned off right? On my ex it is a little slider located on the rear view mirror.

Well, after pulling the DRL fuse, disconnecting the battery and then reconnecting everything the issue seems to be resolved for the time being. Now I'm wondering what exactly happened.

I was thinking that your conditions sound a LOT like ours and then I realized where you're from!

Yeah, some scary puddles out there today. Same thing happened to me about a year ago after a car wash except my headlights are aftermarket. The situation resolved itself when everything dried for me.

your DRL relay may be boken, mine did the same thing, although it didn't correct itsself. if you lay down in fron of your truck, so you head is right infront of the driver side tire, there is a faluminum relay behind the bumper on the frame, it has alot of fins so you cant miss it. you need to unplug it and your light will go off, then you just turn the in car switch all the way to the right and everything works good. untill you get the replacment relay/solenoid

Edit : make sure you wear saftey gay glasses because alot of **** is going to fall when you start looking for it. i learned the hard way. if you cant find it ill go take a picture tommorow.

Edit : make sure you wear saftey gay glasses because alot of **** is going to fall when you start looking for it. i learned the hard way. if you cant find it ill go take a picture tommorow.

LOL, when I disconnected mine to put HIDs in, I ended up covered in crap. Sage advice!

:p, if i had a loonie for everytime my saftey gay glasses saved my eyes.... well id have the sickest explorer on here! :O

I'm not trying to sound like a smart a$$, but you do know that you can adjust how long the lights stay on after the truck is turned off right? On my ex it is a little slider located on the rear view mirror.

Well, for the record I do not have automatic lights so your comment was in fact not relevant to my situation. Thanks for the tip though I'll remember that for my F350 if it ever comes up as it does have the rear view mirror mounted slider.

As for safety goggles....BAH, I don't need em. I put a 4406 into my explorer without ever using the things! (granted I couldn't find them so I used swimming goggles instead but that is beside the point.)

This thread just got rid of two hours of frustration.
I feel much better now and much less dumb.
