help im running out of ideas and parts to replace! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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help im running out of ideas and parts to replace!


September 4, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Centereach, new york
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 XLT
I have a 2004 explorer xlt 4.0l engine 4wd.

The problem is the truck just stoped running (out of the blue no warning signs nothing). The engine cranks over but doesnt start.
I put a code reader on thetruck and it showed a 1233 code which is the fuel pump device module. I've replaced the fuel pump device module code went away.

Truck still justed cranked and doesnt start. So i pressure check the fuel pump, replaced fuel filter, check all wire connections to make sure thier are no loose or broken ones, replaced crank position sensor, and I have the cam postion sensor on order. It'll be in tomorrow.

Does anyone have a clue what could be going on?

Any ideas would greatly appricated.


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I also check all the fuses/relays in the engine compartment and inside the car under the dash.

This truck is driving me crazy!!!

does it studder at all when cranking? or is it just turning? What was your fuel pressure? Have you tested your injectors? When was the last time it got new spark plugs? is the igntion coil pack good to go? how fast is it cranking over?

I replaced a fuel pump (not fun) all becasue a fuse popped and I missed in the owners manual...check all fuses, WAy cheaper then a $300 fuel pump and all day replacing the damn part!!

Doen't studder the starter just cranks the motor over. Like its going to start normal except it just cranks.

Its not a slow low battery crank or a super fast crank.
There is no funny noises from the motor as it cranks.

The plugs, coil pack, and wires were replaced less then 5 months ago.

I checked all fuses and relays in the intire truck under hood and under dash. I even bought a hayes manual to make sure i got all the relays and fuses.
As far as the fuel pump its turning on and pumping gas to the injectors. I get 40 psi at the fuel rail.

I even tried to start the truck with my other (spare) key figuring that the chip in the one key was bad but the truck still does the same thing.

check if the engine wiring harness is still propperly attached to the ECU, if its cranking but not starting, you MAY have a bad ECU... especialy if the fuel rail has pressure, you would be getting SOME kind of ignition in at least one cylender... my money is on the ignition system not sparking, pull out a spark plug and see if its sparking while the engine is cranking over.

I've also disconnected the battery for a few hrs figuring that the ecu/ecm would reset.didnt work!

The hayes book says it might be the maf. So i diconnected the maf wire (maf sensor went bad on my altima and i disconnected it and was able to start the car, it ran ruff but i was able to start it). And the truck still just cranked and cranked.

I also pulled the cam position sensor out and looked into the valve cover as the engine cranked over and saw that the cams were turning so i dont think its a timing chain issue.

I'm still confused?

Yeah I pulled the spark plug wire off the plug and insterted a spare (old) plug and i got a nice spark.

ecu wiring is succured.

Is it possible to take my parents mercury montianeer ecu outta there truck and put it in my truck?
Its the same engine and the trucks have the same options.

The truck also has throttle by wire could that be bad and cause it to do this?

it MIGHT work, but who knows. did you check for a spark on all of the wires? if you can verify spark, the next step is to verify fuel delivery, do you know how to check your fuel injectors? 40 psi is a little high for an 02 v6 if i remember right.

YES throttle by wire could cause this. i dont know how to test the electric throttle bodys. take off the intake pipe and see if the throttle body is all gunked up. also try starting the vehicle with a little bit of gas (just lightly depress the gas pedel)

I only got to check the three on the driver side before i had to go to work.
As far as checking injectors other then pulling the injectors to check them. I can do the old stethascope listen to them and listin for the ticking sound?

According to the hayes manual fuel pressure should be between 35 and 40 psi depending if the fuel pulsator regulator vacuum line is connected or not.

had the same problem with my x. Turned out to be that a the firmware on the ECU became corrupt. So towed it to the dealer and $90 later it was fine. Which is a lot cheaper than just replacing a whole bunch of parts. Try giving a ford dealer a call.

Yeah im gonna replace the cam postion sensor in the afternoon when it comes in since i ordered it. If that doesnt work im gonna have the dealer pick the truck up and let them figure out what is going on.

It sucks cause my extended warranty was up last summer and i didnt renew it. I figured i didnt have to.
This is the first major issue with the truck now im kicking myself in the a$$

Thanks for all the help, I'll keep you guys posted....

if you take it to the dealer make sure you tell them to check the ECU first as that is usually something that they check last as it takes longer to do a mechanical check and they will charge you more.

The explorer is on its way to the dealer.

Cam postion sensor didnt help.

I talked with the service guy and told him whats going on and the parts that I replaced.
I also asked him to check the ecu first.

So ill keep you guys updated on the out come.

Thanks for all your help its greatly appricated.

good luck and keep us updated.

So i got a call from the ford service dept. and they told me whats wrong with the truck and i have two options. Whats wrong is after the checked the ecu their computer reader said its a internal combustion malfunction. So the started doing a mechnaical tests on the engine and found the truck has no compression. They narowed it done to the cam guide plates failure.
Ok now i know whats going on!. I ask how do u fix it and how much, they said they have to replace the guides but they have to pull the motor to do so. Because the 4.0l have a cam gear and chain in the front of the motor and the back of the motor. The service guy said it basically a rebuild of the motor i ask how much $. He said i have two options.

1: rebuild current motor + hourly work+ installation+tax+fluids for a cost of about $5000

2: install a new motor (remanifactored engine)+tax for a cost of $5400

The service guy suggested the new motor because it only a few extra buck and it comes with a 100,000 mile warranty. I asked how could the cam guides fail the motor has 90000 miles on it and i do regular maintance on it. He said he wasnt sure but sometimes it happens. I then asked if ford covers it as a defect he said no they dont, i said damn!,.....

So i called a freind who owns a garage and he said he'd rebuild the motor for $2000.
Then i decided to call my car insurance company cause i still have full coverage on it and explained the situation. So they are going to send an adjusted out and the might write the car off as a loss. Cause the book value of the truck is about $7000 and it needs $5400 worth of work. They said it should fall under comprehensive. (they didnt give me a definite answer but the said the would make let me know after a adjuster looks at the truck).

So as of know the truck is at my friend garage waiting for the insurance adjuster decide to "total" the truck out or not.
This sucks!! this is the first problem I've ever had with my truck and its my luck that is the most catastrophic event for the truck.
I'll keep you guys posted on the outcome.

1.) I've never heard of car insurance covering mechanical failure.
2.) you can get a decent junkyard engine, adn have it installed at an independent shop (not a dealer) for alot less then any if the options you mentioned already.

oh, and 3.) PLEASE, PLEASE, learn how to use punctuation (such as periods at the end of sentences), capitalization at the beginning of sentences, and line spaces.

like this. You're posts gave me a headache trying to read them. I almost didn't, as I'm sure many other didn't.

My car insurance wont pay for the car to be repaired. They said they would "total" the car out.

Cause the cost to fix the car is greater then 50% of the vavlue of the car, and they didnt say they werent 100% sure if they would cover it. But they were sending an adjusted to look at it and decide from their, and if they "total" the car out it would be under the comprehensive insurance guide lines. I figured i'd call the and see if they'd "total" the car out and then id just go out and get a new truck with a really good warranty on it. lol...

Yeah i could get a junkyard engine and rebuild it for cheap. I have the tools and ability, but i dont have the time to work on the truck. I work in a hosptial 5 days a week and im on call on the weekends from 11p-7am.

Thats why if they don"t cover ("total") the car ill have my freind (who owns a shop) do the work for $2000. Which isnt as bad as $5400+.

Sorry about the lack of caps and spaces everyone.

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when my 1st engine went out i got one with 29k on it for $900 and had a buddy swap it for $400. when that engine went out i got another with 42k on it for $1300 and swapped it myself in a weekend and we have been smooth sailing since then and that was about a year ago. you just have to look around for an engine. i would have thought the engine would have turned over if it was shot, but maybe not.
