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Here 'exploring' for information..


New Member
February 27, 2009
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City, State
Austin, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'07 X-Runner
Hello everybody..

Here to find as much info on performance for the 5.0L motor.

Me and a buddy are beginning a motor swap into his B3000 pickup with the Explorer 5.0L.

I'm primarily a member over on RPS, but figured for more specific questions you guys should be able to help out. :thumbsup:

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Hello everybody..

Here to find as much info on performance for the 5.0L motor.

Me and a buddy are beginning a motor swap into his B3000 pickup with the Explorer 5.0L.

I'm primarily a member over on RPS, but figured for more specific questions you guys should be able to help out. :thumbsup:

Search for "Torquemonster Headers" and you'll find a very desirable upgrade (and one I'm doing this summer to my 5.0) and lots of threads on the subject. Lots of great threads and resources on the site re: 5.0. Consider air intake, upgraded exhaust and SCT tuning to start. The headers are a a must have too.

Welcome to the site. Awesome resource.

Search for "Torquemonster Headers" and you'll find a very desirable upgrade (and one I'm doing this summer to my 5.0) and lots of threads on the subject. Lots of great threads and resources on the site re: 5.0. Consider air intake, upgraded exhaust and SCT tuning to start. The headers are a a must have too.

Welcome to the site. Awesome resource.

Thanks for the welcome.

I'm no stranger to modding and performance (currently driving a v6 pickup running low 13's in the 1/4, est 350rwhp/400rwtq). Bolt-ons are a given. Some aspects i'm more concerned with are tuning options (obviously SCT is one i'll look into) and head/motor work. We would like to build the motor to about 400hp, that is assuming it is feasible without running n2o or boost.

Thank you for the recommendations.. I hope to find some useful information here. :D

