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Hidden Winch Project

Oh they come with this like protective shield for the first few feet -- its supposed to protect from heat and any abrasive in the winch's roller.

Cool - I've not seen that protective sleeve. I've only seen the Warn 2-part line for >$400 (way too much $$ in my opinion.)

Who sells Amsteel 12 with the shield? Winchline?

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Buyer Beware: There are variations of very strong synthetic ropes that we have seen on the market. These can include Amsteel rather than AmSteel-Blue (both can be blue and virtually indistinguishable) and Dyneema SK-60 available as well. Viking Offroad will never substitute synthetic ropes of lesser strength or quality. We always use genuine AmSteel-Blue™ (Viking Trail Line) for our winchlines.

Get it here:


Buy from a friend of the site! Tell Jeremy at Moab that his dad sent you over. :D

Thanks, you guys rock.

Here's some coolio stuff I did (because why leave it stock)

I disassembled the winch solenoid pack, mounted it behind the grill off to the side. I was going to mount it below the battery or way over behind the washer fluid/coolant resivoir but that was too much additional cable for what it's worth. While it was apart I spliced in additional wires to run to the cab from the solenoid pack. This makes much more sense instead of cannabalizing the old controller. So I will be able to plug in the original controller if I wanted to (for reeling it back in and tidying things up) or also use my in cab controls. My in cab controls will be just like Paul's two switches. I'm starting to accumulate so many switches and levers that I will get my label maker from work and label everything (just thinking in case I ever get knocked unconcious on the trail and someone else needed to control the truck). These switches will go right below the headlight switch. This way I could reach my arm in and hit the switch and also hide behind my a-pillar when winching (a trick I already practice when winching/strapping).

Also I disassembled the winch drum with the 10-12 allen bolts, after everything spilt out in front of me I realised that I can adjust the position of the "engage/disengage" lever so now mine pointes directly to the front. I will not have to go through the grill to adjust this.

I hate to think about replacing the winch cable every couple of years because of the sun. I barely use the dang thing, but luckily it will be very well hidden behind the grill.

I didn't realize how expensive it was to upgrade to synthetic line, my best quote yet was $340 but I am looking at these other options.

I scored a new aluminum fairlead for $30 shipped on Ebay and I think I'm going to get this rope

GL, I'll give your buddy a call but money is money, everything I have read about this cable is operator error on breaking so there really is no warranty and I'm sure I'll be guilty of chopping up a rope LOL. This was supposed to be a project with old parts I had laying around and somehow I've purchased $65 in steel, a welder and now $260 in rope and supplies.

We did add some serious BEEF to the bumper though, there was a weak point that could have caused a shifting.


I just bought a 9000# Mile Marker from craigslist last Fri for the BII (cheap!)

I need to fab a mount/fairlead and controls

then dual batteries

Cant wait! So many times a winch would be so handy! especially in CO where we have so many trees

Just as motivation for you, here's my "hidden" winch on my 3rd Gen Ex.

OK, not so much hidden as in your face, but it's the best mounting point I could build without interfering with the air bag sensor.

Finally I got a real camera with real results

First, an old pic to show what we started with. Dustin pointed out the winch could potentially shift the prerunner bumper so we plated it across to the tubes at the area with the arrows.

Then we got this big ol' sheet of 5/16" (about $60) and even after we were sure our design was going to work, it needed to be tweaked at least 3 times to fit. That wasted a lot of steel but it's my first real project that I'm designing and it's really tough to work into someone elses design.

Here is the "shelf" that we built. Dustin burned an entire roll of flux melting this stuff in there. I'm still a novice welder, as a matter of fact I got really bad flashburn just from setting tack welds. I learned my lesson here.

You can see where I rotated the front clutch mechanism. I lucked out on placement as you will see shortly.


I cut 2 of these freehand with a grinder, thinking that it would mount between the lights to mount my fairlead. I was disappointed when my fairlead showed up as wide as it was.


Here is where the wire controllers ended up. I also spliced wires off so the "in-cab" is already wired in.


He shoots, He scores!

I wasn't kidding when I said "hidden"

and here is the access to the clutch lever. It swings perfect.


The disappointment for the night, I was thinking the fairlead could mount in front of the light mounts but I just don't see how that can work. Any reason I cannot run the smaller ATV style fairleads like Izwack mentioned or will that be an issue with reeling in the cable. If I mount like this I'll probably catch on the lights on any type of a side pull.

Good job:thumbsup: It is hidden for sure...is that invisable rope?:p:

Nice work on the "hidden" part!! Sweet you didn't have to cut the grill at all.

You could probably build a little mount for the fairlead out in front of the lights, yeah?

Damn it, Danny.

You got a real camera and mounted your winch. What have I done? Nothing.

Wow great job at fitting it behind the grille.

my turn next

thats coming along nicely!
funny we are in the same boat
bumper not designed for winch, novice welding, want the winch hidden, etc
Thats awesome how tucked in it is, I am attempting similar on my BII with help from Brett (he can fab and weld way better then me)



This makes my truck look like Johnny 5 from short circuit.

And I think the next plan for attack is to look at running a piece of angle iron across the two light tabs and see if I can mount the fairlead to that.

Johnny- although this is all pretty custom, a similar setup could be integrated to the factory framerails building a "shelf" that mounts to the inner frame instead of the bumper assembly. Not sure if I have more room with the 2nd gen conversion vs. the room on a true 2nd gen but I know the 1st gen is pretty limited on space.

Not sure if I have more room with the 2nd gen conversion vs. the room on a true 2nd gen but I know the 1st gen is pretty limited on space.

Trudat... This thing is as far back as possible. That 2nd gen curve really helps out.



Ahaha I'm liking the Johnny5 resemblance :)


Totally stealing my stuff . . :D

If you post a photo with flimsy looking plastic mesh in your grill inserts, I'm filing legal action... Even down to the winch solenoid. . .

Just kidding, looks great.

'91 Sport


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oh wow, I didn't even realize that you had such a tucked away winch on your truck Paul. And I did go to the junk yard to pull another grill since mine was cracked in a few spots....and I did grab the mesh for behind it you see on some Explorers LOL.

So I went for a short run with the Explorer on Saturday to take a few friends out that have never ridden in the truck. Of course I had my foot to the floor and I managed to bottom out the front bumper going down an embankment and bounced the truck straight up in the air and landed off the trail, it was probably one of the scariest moments even I have had wheeling. I now have a dent about the size of a softball in the lower portion of my skidplate...oh and both front fenders are no longer attached behind the front wheels.

This made me realize that my fairlead and rope would have been severely damaged if they would have been mounted for these shenanigans. So, I'm going to grind off the light bar tabs and mount the fairlead on top of the bumper as originally designed. It's going to be ugly but new light tabs will be mounted to the top part of the bumper. It will all look the same as it does currently, just some mounting tabs will be moved around and the lights will be switched. I really wanted to go with a nice compact set of HIDs but I can't justify spending over $500-800 right now.
