High pitch ringing noise coming from inside cabin | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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High pitch ringing noise coming from inside cabin


New Member
September 28, 2023
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City, State
Duluth, MN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2011 Ford Explorer XLT
I have a 2011 ford explorer with roughly 190,000 miles on it. Just recently, there has been a constant, high pitch ringing sound inside the cabin. It’s like a dog whistle, and it only goes away when I rev the engine past 4000 rpm. It is only on when the car is running, and it continues even when I turn the stereo and climate off. It’s starting to drive me crazy and I’m wondering if anyone has any input. Thanks

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Do you have 120vac power in the truck? There was an issue with the power inverters on the older models making a humming sound inside the cab.

Do you have 120vac power in the truck? There was an issue with the power inverters on the older models making a humming sound inside the cab.
I think it's behind the passenger kick panel. I test drove a few Explorers before buying mine, and they all had this whine. All of them from the amp hidden in the kick panel.




If the inverter is expense, but can be non-destructively opened, in the past I've had good luck quieting down coils on SMPS (switch mode power supplies) by coating the coil windings with epoxy... something non-conductive/non-ferrous, not iron fortified like JBWeld is.
