Hose?? Running rough suddenly but running. Trans never drops into overdrive, cruise control inop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Hose?? Running rough suddenly but running. Trans never drops into overdrive, cruise control inop


Active Member
November 20, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Rocky Top, Tennessee
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Exploder XLT
Hey All!
What does this sound like? --Suddenly Engine running rough, odorous exhaust (too rich?) lower RPM at idle- sort of like a stuck choke would behave (happens hot or cold). Is drivable but at 60 mph on flat road transmission never relaxes into overdrive; Stays a few hundred RPM higher than normal. I guess something is telling the trans/computer there is not enough power to give up RPM? And I'll mention I noticed days prior to this rough idle the cruise control not working (coincidence/ red herring?) . Seems cruise control fails a month or two every year and comes back to life later. Hmm. Guessing a vacuum hose sensitive to temperature.? Right now I'm more concerned about engine power, misses etc. than cruise control (cc) but wonder if CC is related via hose, vacuum, something.?
Check engine light on but can't check code yet.
Thoughts please?

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just throwin out ideas: o2s, intkaegaskets? (does it get better as it warms uo anyway) maf? fpr? thats my first ideas that come to mind, will update this is more do

To build on the above suggestions, check for vacuum leaks on hoses and the reservoir canister(they can rust out on the bottom). Also it would be cheap to clean the MAF with the proper cleaner. Check the Cruise control actuator under the hood. The diaphragm could be leaking.
Does it have a PCV valve? could need replacement. Just shots in the dark that don't cost much.

just throwin out ideas: o2s, intkaegaskets? (does it get better as it warms uo anyway) maf? fpr? thats my first ideas that come to mind, will update this is more do
Thank-you, much!
Update: -just met with a pro who suggested looking for antique crud in EGR valve that could be causing "stuck-open" issue. Fingers crossed!

You might want to take the cruise control out of the system completely while troubleshooting the main issue, by blocking off the vaccuum port at the octopus/tree. Would assume it is just a coincidence though.

UPDATE: I removed EGR valve, put vacuum on it while in hand. Vacuum seemed to move the diaphragm as expected. I eyeballed it and reinstalled it. I started the truck and it ran beautifully, no check engine light and no running rich and rough. I shut the truck off and returned to my Saturday TV westerns... ...an hour later I restarted the truck and it was running rich and rough again with check engine light illuminated after about 10 seconds of idle. ...oh, well.
Question: when I connect / disconnect DFPE sensor connector nothing seems to happen. ?? Do you know if this is normal, please????????????

