How To: Change Mercruiser Alpha 1 Sterndrive Impeller | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How To: Change Mercruiser Alpha 1 Sterndrive Impeller

The Alpha 1 was a pretty popular merc outdrive, usually came behind a GM 4.3, 5.7, or I believe some boats had a magnum of some sorts.

Parts: Impeller, SAE 90 Gear Lube

1. With the drive in neutral, drain the gear lube (remove the vent plug & drain plug)
2. Loosen 4 bolts holding the upper unit to the lower unit (5/8 in) and leave the bottom two loose but finger tight in order to hold it.
3. At the rear top of the unit, you will find a bolt in a "hole" in the unit. (1/2 in)
4. At the front of the unit, just above the lower unit, you will find the speedo hose. That one comes off with a bit of a "squish"
5. Another 1/2 in is right in front of the speedo hose, remove that.
6. Having someone else holding the lower unit, remove the remaining two bolts holding the upper to the lower unit, and slide all out
7. Using some form of a sawhorse or bench, hold the unit and support it, so you are not putting it on the ground
8. 4 5/16in bolts hold the impeller case on. Remove the washer/ring when you are at it, on the shaft
9. Lubing the impeller, install the new one in place of the old one, noting the direction in which it is to be turning
10: Make sure to install the 3 new gaskets, noting the direction int hick they were removed (they can only go in one way) (It goes paper gasket, metal plate, paper gasket)
11. When reinstalling the impeller case, make SURE the lock pin is on properly and used to lock the impeller in place with the shaft (use gear lube/anything tacky to hold it on) If you want to ensure the impeller pin is on properly, spin the output shaft and you can "feel" the impeller pass by your fingers if you press on the "grille"
12. Installation is the opposite of removal, but in install, it is even more helpful to have a helper help align the lower unit with eh upper unit to make sure the shift fork is inserted properly and the splines align, as well as this one pesky tube on top of the impeller housing that is susceptible to falling off! Argh!

That should be it. Happy boating!!

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Sorry for lack of photos, this was a bit of a time crunch job. Had to get to the lake! :D

Well done! Keep that merc happy

The alpha one came behind many many engines 4 cyl, v six, v8 they are tough as nails!! Enjoy the

Well done! Keep that merc happy

The alpha one came behind many many engines 4 cyl, v six, v8 they are tough as nails!! Enjoy the
it came behind a 4????? wow! didn't know that!

now that season is coming around, time to break out the board too!
