How to find factory keyless entry code for 2018? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to find factory keyless entry code for 2018?


New Member
April 8, 2024
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Eaton, CO
Year, Model & Trim Level
2018 Explorer Platinum
I tried searching and didn't see this specific topic, so here goes. I have lost or misplaced my card that has the factory issued keyless entry code. My personal code that I programmed still works, but if I ever wanted to change anything, I need to go back to the factory code. Short of going to the dealer and shelling out a $100 for the privilege, is there a way to read/find the factory keyless entry code for my 2018? Thanks.

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Forscan can retrieve the code from the vehicle.

I tried searching and didn't see this specific topic, so here goes. I have lost or misplaced my card that has the factory issued keyless entry code. My personal code that I programmed still works, but if I ever wanted to change anything, I need to go back to the factory code. Short of going to the dealer and shelling out a $100 for the privilege, is there a way to read/find the factory keyless entry code for my 2018? Thanks.
Welcome to the Forum. :wave:
Hi Mike, using the 'Search' feature (top right) I found this thread that should help. It should be down near the cabin fuse box. Also, have a look at post #241 in the attached thread for perhaps an easier method.


I tried searching and didn't see this specific topic, so here goes. I have lost or misplaced my card that has the factory issued keyless entry code. My personal code that I programmed still works, but if I ever wanted to change anything, I need to go back to the factory code. Short of going to the dealer and shelling out a $100 for the privilege, is there a way to read/find the factory keyless entry code for my 2018? Thanks.
You should be able to find it on the module sticker. If I'm not mistaken, the module is on the passenger side behind the kick panel under the glove box.

Have you lost your factory door code for your Ford car? This guide shows you how to find the Factory preset Ford Explorer (2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 model years) Securicode Keyless Entry Door Keypad Code.

  1. Find the Passenger Fuse Panel
    The first thing to get Keyless Entry Door Factory Code you need to locate the Passenger Fuse Panel.
  2. On the 2011-2018 Ford Explorer, the Passenger Fuse Panel is located under the instrument panel to the left of the steering column.
    You will need to remove the trim panel for access to the fuse box, pull the panel toward you and swing it out away from the side and remove it.
    Keyless Entry Factory Code
Or, use both of your key fobs to display your code on the instrument panel


You should be able to find it on the module sticker. If I'm not mistaken, the module is on the passenger side behind the kick panel under the glove box.
It's on the driver's side.

