How to locate 175 amp mega fuse in 1997 5.0 explorer? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to locate 175 amp mega fuse in 1997 5.0 explorer?


June 27, 2011
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Folks, I've been having a hard time figuring out where the 175 amp mega fuse is in my explorer. Mine is a 1997 5.0 Eddie Bauer version. I'm starting to think that mine does not have one.
I've read several instructions as to where it would be, but when I go to look, it's not there. I know that it's not in the distribution box. And it doesn't seem to be next to it as most suggest.
Could someone verify whether mine has one, or does it have a 100 amp fusible link as someone else suggested. I've been looking for this for the last 2 days.

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me too

I have the same question on a 97 with 5.0 Today, I had my oil changed and after that the battery light is on and charge guage reading below the L. I am positive it was working fine before oil change and I wonder if they did something to short out the mega fuse but I can't locate on my vehicle.

It does not have a 175 amp mega fuse. Why are you looking for it?

This is the first time I have ever heard of a Mega fuse.

Swetrid, thanks so much for confirming this... I was going bunkers trying to find this thing for days. Many in here don't make an exception as to what years and models have it, they just tell you it's there... and I've been going crazy trying to figure this out.

I'm looking for it because, my truck is having this symptom:
If the current battery (haven't tried another battery yet) had adequate charge, and even if it was very low (reading about 8 volts), the vehicle would fire up and run. It'll stay running for ever I guess. But if I shut off the engine, at that point, it won't restart, and the battery seems lower in voltage. What's weird is that sometimes it'll start the next day.

I did take my battery to Autozone and have them charge it, but when put back on the truck, the pattern described above repeated. I opened the two caps on top of the battery to find out that the liquid level in there was lower than half??? Battery is 7 years old, by the way. And oh, my battery light is not showing on the dash!

Now, I've exempted the alternator as being the problem because the vehicle stays running on it even if the battery was reading 6 volts before truck started up.

My conclusion is that my battery is not being recharged because the "fuse" to permit that had blown; or, there is indeed no fuse, but it's just that the battery acid level is too low... or the battery is plain-old garbage... again, it's an old battery.

I don't want to do an alternator job if it's just a fuse or a battery. Others have mentioned a 100-amp (blue) fuse which I cannot locate either. I happen to have all the factory car manuals, AND a Chilton's repair guide -- and I've literally scoured these books, but the highest output fuse I've detected is a 60 amp in the distribution box. There is a 15 amp "alternator system" fuse as per the manuals that is intact.

How can you guys help? Is there a mystery fuse somewhere... or should I just shoot for a battery? I would've gone for the battery days ago, but threads on the Web kept telling me there's a fuse!

Thanks guys.

Not sure if all models had the "mega" fuse? But I dont see why they wouldnt.

Its not your typical fuse in the fusebox, its out of the fusebox thats under the hood where the alternator wire, and battery + wire run to.

When running, you should be right around 14v...

Why did you cancel out the alternator as the problem? (I would say no matter what, replace that battery though!)

With the truck off, run a voltmeter from the probe on the alternator and see if your reading anything; if not, then the mega fuse is toast...

Muanually check the charging system to make sure it is around 14 volts but you probably have bad battery or bad cell in battery.

When I go on break ill take a picture of the mega fuse for you.

I opened the two caps on top of the battery to find out that the liquid level in there was lower than half??? Battery is 7 years old

If the battery is that old, and was only half-filled with water, it's probably toast - try swapping in a new battery before digging into the wiring.

Here is a picture of the megafuse on my truck...

The mega fuse is inside the purple circle...


  • megafuse2.jpg
    49.5 KB · Views: 13,035

ranger7ltr, thanks so much for providing a picture, that was a noble effort. Unfortunately, I must report that my model year ('97 Limited Edition) does not feature that area circled in the image -- and that section (by the dist. box) is void of anything.

I swapped the battery today and the vehicle ran and restarted with no issue after I shut it off... though, I'm not sure I let it run long enough to have killed the new battery. I'll make sure I let it run for a good hour tomorrow then restart it and see what happens.

I've also added water to the old battery and am now slow-charging it. I'll pop it in tomorrow and report what happens here.

Thank you guys so very much for helping with this... you guys are great!
