How to Lube Pinion Seal on Electronic Steering? 2013 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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How to Lube Pinion Seal on Electronic Steering? 2013 XLT


New Member
March 16, 2021
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Des Moines, Iowa
Year, Model & Trim Level
2013 Explorer XLT
In our 2013 XLT there is a squeaking noise when turning the steering wheel. Granted, it's not the whine that is typically associated with the power steering going out, and I've even taken it to a mechanic who said that isn't the issue. It's more like the noise you hear when you use dry erase markers on a whiteboard...

Anyway, the shop couldn't diagnose it other than saying they needed to replace >$1000 of parts on a guess that it would resolve the noise. I politely said no thanks.

The thing is, several years ago a different mechanic (can't go back - we've moved) said they "lubed the pinion seal on the rack" and that eliminated the noise for the past few years. Does anyone know how I can do that, or where that specific seal is? I can't seem to find any specifics on the forum, and while I did see the recall notes regarding the creaking noise when steering that seems to be related to the front bumper, which isn't the source of this noise.

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In our 2013 XLT there is a squeaking noise when turning the steering wheel. Granted, it's not the whine that is typically associated with the power steering going out, and I've even taken it to a mechanic who said that isn't the issue. It's more like the noise you hear when you use dry erase markers on a whiteboard...

Anyway, the shop couldn't diagnose it other than saying they needed to replace >$1000 of parts on a guess that it would resolve the noise. I politely said no thanks.

The thing is, several years ago a different mechanic (can't go back - we've moved) said they "lubed the pinion seal on the rack" and that eliminated the noise for the past few years. Does anyone know how I can do that, or where that specific seal is? I can't seem to find any specifics on the forum, and while I did see the recall notes regarding the creaking noise when steering that seems to be related to the front bumper, which isn't the source of this noise.
Did you ask them to grease it?
