I am new here, want to introduce myself | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I am new here, want to introduce myself


New Member
January 1, 2007
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I all!
My name is Doug. I live in Yuma Arizona.
I enjoy fishing, being outdoors, and getting there.
I became a Ford Explorer owner for the first time in
May, 2006.
I was looking for a truck in the local classifieds (at that time I was in
Modesto, California, I moved to Yuma in June, 2006).
I circled a few ads and started calling them. One of the ads
was for a 1993 Ford Explorer Limited Edition for $2200.
When I called the person to inquire, I found myself talking
to a young lady in Ceres, Ca. (just south of Modesto).
First, I asked if she still had the Explorer available and she told
me that a few people had looked at it and was waiting for one
of them to return after looking at couple others.
Keep in mind, I was really looking for a pickup but, thought an
SUV would be kind of cool.
During the conversation she said that the Explorer was her ex-husband's
and he was in jail, he asked if she would sell it for him.....:eek:
That caught my interest. I called a friend and told him what I was doing,
what the vehical was, asked if he would give me ride to look at it.
He showed up an hour later and I called the young lady back to make sure
it was still available. He brought a friend with him, who also was driving a Ford
Explorer. He introduced us and explained that he might be helpful since
he had been a Ford mechanic for over 15 years;) .
Upon arrival, the young lady came out to meet us at a dark forest green
'93 Ford Explorer. My first impression was "it looks ok, stock, no major dents visible, but the tires are bald". She explained that her ex-husband was in jail,
that she had the title and current registration. So, we started checking it over
and found some minor dings but, no evidence of a major collision. While my friends
checked inside the engine compartment, I crawled under to examine the chassis. The seller had gone into her apartment to retrieve the keys as we
talked and decided that it looked pretty good. She returned with the keys and I started it up. First thing I noticed was the exhaulst tone. The stock exhaust had been replaced with larger pipes and a Flowmaster muffler. It was a fairly new system and looked professionally installed. The engine sounded good, smooth, no visible leaks or any other signs of trouble. I got in and put it in all the different gear ranges (it's an automatic). No signs of trouble there.
I drove around the block, checking brakes, steering, shifting, listening for whinning or clunking, and making sure all the gauges and controls worked. The only thing I noticed was it pulled a little to the right. As I was driving, I found an empty lot and pulled in to test the automatic four wheel drive, seemed to
have no problems there either. When I returned, I put my game face on and
decided to talk to my friends about their impression. My friend said he liked it and might consider it if I didn't want it. His mechanic friend took me aside and whispered "buy it, buy it". I approached the lady and said that I have cash, noted the bald tires and minor imperfections, and offered her $1800. She considered for a few moments stating that another couple was also interested.
I pulled $1800 cash out of my pocket and said, I have cash now, she said "done". We finished the final paperwork and my friends and I headed back to Modesto.
I know this story is long but, I wanted the group to know how I became the proud owner of a 1993 Ford Explorer.
There is more to this story but, I will post it in this thread later, I must get ready for work now.
Thanks for taking the time to read this,

Welcome to the site Doug:chug: And Happy New Year!!!

Nice story and welcome to the site! Sounds like you got a pretty good deal to me.

Check through all the forms and read the stickies, there is a ton of info on here, anything and everything you want to know. If you have any questions, ask, someone will know.

Aw nutz,
I thought this story was leaning more towards a penthouse forum story. But nice story non the less.

You found the right place for any help you might need with your new "to you" x. I am sure you will find this site very helpful. I know I do.
