i need to get 92 explorer 4x4 xlt fixed up | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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i need to get 92 explorer 4x4 xlt fixed up



i have a stock 1992 explorer 4x4 and i want to get it "fixed up" a bit
i am a newbie and i dont know all that much about this yet..

can anyone help me out? can anyone do it for me for a cheap price...?

im thinking something along the lines of a lift, suspension, and tires?


oh and i live in southern california

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...You can do it yourself and save a bunch of labor...;)

Or---- You can either call or go over to Dependable Offroad in Anahiem off of the 91 freeway at State College and ask them for a quote on what you want to have done. Ask for Steve. :D

...Steve is a real good guy...He has been real busy but knows what you will need...

Let me guess you are between 16-20 years old. Do you have a few grand to spend on it?

Buy the James Duff lift that 90ranajo has for sale. Then get ahold of Rangerx and try to buy his front and rear axles as well as rims when he does his solid axle swap. Pick up some 33-35" tires. Have a good suspension and the right gearing for the truck far cheaper then you ever could do it for new.
