I wanna light bar, but I dont want to drill into my X | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I wanna light bar, but I dont want to drill into my X

I want to put a light bar on my 98, but I dont want to drill holes into my like door sils?? is there any that dont do this?

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door sills? that is on the bottom of the door... are you talking about the roof? do you have a factory rack? you may want to modify it like jefe has modified his

Ya I have talked to him, but I dont know if I want to do that, and well I couldnt think of what to call them, so I just called them sills..sorry..damn..

I had mine modified the way Jefe did for quite some time, it was a little flimsy and impossible to keep the lights aimed becaus eyou could only torque them down so much (and that wasn't much) ;).
I got a conferr roof rack which uses the same tracks as the stock roof rack so no drilling there, though I did drill holes to run the wires through. If you don't want to drill holes for the wiring you can either runt hem through a door (looks like crap but gets the job done) or you can runt hem back to the tailgate and down through there (also doesn't look that great as well as uses about an extra 15' of wire which reduces the power to the lights)

****Off Subject****
Have you seen the light bars that are an option on the Jeep Liberty's, why can't we get cool stuff like that from the factory?

Jeep Liberty

I have had my lights mounted like this for over a year now and I have no problems, I have had to align them only twice and that took a whole 5 min.


  • toplights.jpg
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Did you just drill hole like straight through the roof rack?

Wow, old post... but yea, I just took the cross piece off and brought it into the house. Lined up the lights how I wanted them and then marked and drilled. You can't tell from the pic, but I also put washers on the bottom to help. The cross bar squeezed together and that was that. Still got them up there.

how do you have all of them wired? Are you still running the stock battery? Cause wouldnt that be alot of strain on it? Did you drill a hole in the top to run the wire?

Use a roof rack such as the one in the photo on this thread, and either mount your lights to the leading edge of the rack, or to painted angle iron attached to the rack...
