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How to: Ignition Lock broken, How to fix lock to use original keys

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Well done, now those parts won't need any attention for another 10-20 years.

My cream puff only has about 207,000 miles on her odometer and the shocks I removed are MotorCraft and quite possibly the original. One had a little bit of nitrogen pressure and some damping, the other, no nitrogen and damping only in one direction. Pretty impressive if they are the originals, might have to put'em on eBay so some lucky collector can snatch up these vintage OE parts. :)

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My question is, with the equipment and the ability to custom tune, can the PATS be disabled entirely?

I'm glad to see so many people in to these old Explorers and keeping them going. It reminds me of the old MUSTANG days

I know people that have had PATS removed for engine swaps, I believe it can be tuned out

thanks for the input. I seriously want to set get up to do custom tuning. I know it cost a few bucks and in depth studying.

With a unit that can write to the ECU it can definitely be turned off. Forscan only uses the ECU to control external modules like the PATS unit so it can't disable it.

Well, just when things looked better, My wife went out to start Puff and the key just turns loose feeling. It did turn the truck "on" but fails to engage starter. Will not turn off. I had to disconnect the battery.

It is as if someone had jacked the switch with a screwdriver.

So, which part is it I need to fix this? :D Help???
Scrap it

Well, just when things looked better, My wife went out to start Puff and the key just turns loose feeling. It did turn the truck "on" but fails to engage starter. Will not turn off. I had to disconnect the battery.

It is as if someone had jacked the switch with a screwdriver.

So, which part is it I need to fix this? :D Help???
I know this is from months ago but, the easy answer would be to call a locksmith. He can replace the cylinder with a new one that matches your original key in only a few minutes. I know because I was a locksmith for years and we did that all the time.

IF you have not yet fixed this problem then you can try to remove the cylinder and take it to a local locksmith. He can repair it if possible or make up a new one matched to your key for short money. The process is easy. Insert the key, turn it to the accessory position, push upward on the locking pin (You will see a small hole under the cylinder on the bottom column cover.) then remove the cylinder. Leave things alone until you replace the cylinder. All you will need to do is push the new/repaired cylinder back into the hole and turn the key to the off position. Problem solved.

As I noted above, this is an old thread so it may be meaningless to the original poster. However, maybe someone else can make use of this information. Additionally, there are plenty of videos on how to do this on You Tube.



I know this is from months ago but, the easy answer would be to call a locksmith. He can replace the cylinder with a new one that matches your original key in only a few minutes. I know because I was a locksmith for years and we did that all the time.

IF you have not yet fixed this problem then you can try to remove the cylinder and take it to a local locksmith. He can repair it if possible or make up a new one matched to your key for short money. The process is easy. Insert the key, turn it to the accessory position, push upward on the locking pin (You will see a small hole under the cylinder on the bottom column cover.) then remove the cylinder. Leave things alone until you replace the cylinder. All you will need to do is push the new/repaired cylinder back into the hole and turn the key to the off position. Problem solved.

As I noted above, this is an old thread so it may be meaningless to the original poster. However, maybe someone else can make use of this information. Additionally, there are plenty of videos on how to do this on You Tube.


I really hope he’s fixed it by now, and didn’t wait for this post.

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