I'm in another Offroad Race...Well...it's not a race. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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I'm in another Offroad Race...Well...it's not a race.


Moderator Emeritus
Elite In Memoriam
March 4, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
anaheim hills,california
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 ranger 4x4/ 91 X 4x4
When is an Offroad race not a race? When it's a #RallyVenture :D

The RallyVenture is apply titled, "The next generation of 4WD Adventure" http://RallyVenture.com

RallyVenture is a timed Off Road event with penalties for arriving early to checkpoints and it's been called by some the Gumball Rally or Cannonball run, for off road..:confused:

The event will be held July 8-10.

...It requires a street legal 4wd vehicle and involves all types of off road racing and Geocaching style navigation like using various types of GPS, maps, different styles of tulip sheets, and compass's including computers and cell phones for tools.

How I got involved..

...I was asked up to Reno last year by the Founder of RallyVenture (and the Co-Founder of King of the Hammers) Jeff Knoll. I also got to cover the first ever, Off Road Business Assoc. (O.R.B.A.) Summit which is a gathering of off road Business owners who go directly to Washington D.C. to fight for our Rights for Land use and Offroad trails.

I was lucky enough to be part of the one day race as a member of Team ‪#‎Genright‬ last year in the Inaugural event, and I am Proud to have been asked back by Owner Tony Pellegrino for the two day event as part of Team GenRight Off Road again this year.

The RallyVenture was and still is an Invite only (with a few open spots you can buy into). Most everyone attending and participating are the "Who's Who" in the Off Road world and last year consisted of 22 teams and it is also a huge Social Media event.

Fact: Last year it had the top three most talked about people on the internet for the day, Casey Currie (Monster Energy Driver), Nicole Johnson (driver of the Scooby-Doo Monster Jam truck), and Jeff Knoll (Mentioned above).

Last year for the Inaugural event, I was with Corey Osborne and Richard Garrett in the "Triton JK" and we finished a respectable 7th...This year I will be riding in the TerreMoto and we have podium finish in sight..

This year I am told it may have up to 50 vehicles entered. There is a lot of secrecy to the event as we don't really hear much till the Drivers meeting/Start time drawing, where we get some basic info. At the starting line we will receive our first race packet of info and our time then starts when we are handed that race packet and roll off the start line.

What is the RallyVenture?

Here is s a Great explanation of the next event I will be participating in. This video is Tony Pellegrino, Owner of GenRight, best describing this years RallyVenture.

..There will be fan participation and since it's a social media event. you can Follow us..I will be tagging #Genright as well as posting to my "Shots by Tbars4" fb page (Go there and "Like it "now) and "shots_by_tbars4" instagram.

I will be posting here when possible before the race and will try and answer and update as often as possible..;)

..We will probably have another social media page which will merge all of our post so stay tuned to my page and I will steer you to the latest news as well as posting live pictures and some videos from the course..(I'm told each team will have to re enact a scary movie clip on live video)..

Plus this year there will be live coverage from different challenges and check points on ustream.tv search "RallyVenture"

This is what I'm parking the Ranger for a ride in. This video is of the "TerreMoto" build itself with all it's custom design and specs as it appeared last year at Truckhaven..Plus you get to see how it moves out at Truckhaven toward the end of the video.

...and this video is of the list of electronic upgrades which have been additionally installed for this years event..:D

..It's not often I park my Ranger or Explorer when it comes to offroading but, when you get a chance to participate in something exciting and ride in some extreme toys, I'm ok with parking my trucks..:burnout:

Please check it out, follow along and see who all in the offroad world will be participating and be sure to root for us..:biggthump

If you have any questions, feel free to ask....:D

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Very cool :thumbsup: will be following you. Looks like a lot of fun.

...Thanks Steve..

...There is nothing like seeing a bunch of people wandering around lost in custom built rigs...Well...except riding along with them so you can share stories of why you where lost...:D

Here are some video's to let you see some of the different vehicles and an insight to the cast of character's we will be running against..:popcorn:

..This is not a Jeep event although last year it was pretty much jeeps and race jeeps and a Toyota 4Runner..

A couple other contestants..


For those with FB...Here is a link to an Exterra getting prepped for the event..:D

an 85 Toyota truck..

We need to teach him to turn his phone sideways when shooting video..:p:


Like the video above, here are a couple more funny videos from another team prepping..

This year we are required to have a "Go Bag" for each member in the vehicle and we have to bring one Go bag to the drivers meeting from each team. These Go bags hold survival type items for you to make it a few days out in the wilderness just in case something happens..

..Such items included in these bags are fire starters, food, clothing, shelter building items, first aid, etc...

..This team has built their own kind of "Go Bag"..:D


About to go live as race starts at 9 am pst...:burnout:..its not a race..:)

Live feed will be on Rallyventure.com I believe for both days of the eventwant you to help us win.

Be sure to follow and like all post with‪#‎GenRightOffroad‬#as we get points for "Likes" under our team name. Thanks everyone and you can watch the event live at#RallyVenture.com

Feed starts at 8:45 pst and first car off the line is at 9 e

Ted, get me a T-shirt :D

...We were doing pretty good thru the trails with the mud rain and hail..

..Apparently 650 horses can get ya to a check point a tad bit early so we were docked -4 points and hit our marks on everything else...

..We had 94 trail miles today and we only have around 70 miles tmrw and its been said its mostly hard rock section and Virginia City Nevada..:burnout:

I had a shirt and cap i could have gave you but they melted to the floorboard early this morning..:):

...We were doing pretty good thru the trails with the mud rain and hail..

..Apparently 650 horses can get ya to a check point a tad bit early so we were docked -4 points and hit our marks on everything else...

..We had 94 trail miles today and we only have around 70 miles tmrw and its been said its mostly hard rock section and Virginia City Nevada..:burnout:

I had a shirt and cap i could have gave you but they melted to the floorboard early this morning..:):

What no carpet in that thing? Lame :p

...It has the good vinyl flooring to hose out the mud..:D

Being prepared this trip with all the lightning storms, hail, deep water, and mud meant packing an extra clean shirt and cap in a zip lock baggie in the vehicle for Team Genright Offroad group photo ops throughout the week.

Needless to say I found out early the first day that the vinyl floor board would prove to be a little to toasty even in these cool conditions..:D


..We did get some good Sun early on the second day though..:D


^^Thats a quality shot right there, Ted!^^ :thumbsup:

..I borrowed this from #GenrightOffRoad ..:D

This is a look inside the ****pit of the GenRight Terremoto. That's me riding co pilot during pre run as we head into the hills before the storms came..


Looks like blast :burnout:

...It was..wish my trucks moved out like that..:burnout:
