Improved brake performance | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Improved brake performance


Elite Explorer
December 13, 2023
Reaction score
City, State
Clearwater, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
2010 Sport Trac Limited
Since getting my Sport Trac in November, I have been sorting the typical issues an older vehicle will have and am not done yet. I really am enjoying driving it.

I have had a brake fluid flush on the "to-do" list for too long and finally let a trusted shop do it, since I seem to keep moving it down the list. LOL. Like many have stated, this thing needs MORE BRAKES. He did the flush and then pointed out that my front hubs were worn and sloppy. This in turn, allows the rotors to push the front brake pads back into the caliper a small (but significant) amount, creating a delay before they touch the rotors.

Between finally doing the fluid flush and fixing the hubs, the brakes are much improved. Testing the brakes the next day, any items placed on a seat ended up on the floor. ( this included a Backpack with laptop, iPad, etc ... oops, they survived).

I wanted to post this for anyone else who feel their brakes are seriously lacking. It helped a lot.
I still think I want to swap to a bit bigger front rotor size if there is an easy solution. If anyone has suggestions, I'm listening ...

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You can upgrade to Aviator front rotors, which takes you from a 12" to a 13" rotor, along with lighter aluminum knuckles. See that thread for details. i've been running the Aviator brakes for 7-8 years and its a good improvement.

That was what I needed to see. There was mention of Aviator brakes elsewhere but no detail as to what year, etc. This answered a lot of questions.
Not a problem friend! firefly1246 was kind enough to write about it, 06bluez mentioned it, and I can't remember if I used the site's own search function or used google to search the site here lol. There's so many threads it's hard to find stuff sometimes.

Let us know how it goes, or if you come up with any tips add them to that thread please :)

