intermittent heat/coolant smell | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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intermittent heat/coolant smell


Well-Known Member
January 11, 2011
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richardsville va
Year, Model & Trim Level
'01 Explorer Sport Trac
Haven't been on in a while, been busy, gotta get on here more.

Anyway, 2001 sport trac 4x4 job 2, I have a new belt squeak, burning coolant smell/steam coming from engine compartment, no coolant in exhaust, the heat works, but on and off, it will start and stop blowing hot air somewhat randomly, never staying hot for more than 10 15 seconds at a time. Coolant temp goes back and forth between 194 and 221 degrees. All of these just started in the past few days, and I'm clueless. Any ideas what might be wrong?

Thanks in advance.

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How is your coolant level? Loss of heat is probably low coolant. If coolant is hitting belt most likely cause in belt line is probably the water pump.

Barely any coolant loss, if at all. And I don't see coolant on the belt, or how it would be getting there, evrything stays pretty dry there

Radiator was low, resevoir was full though. Going to check for a clog tomorrow, filled radiator, fixed heat problem. Belt still squeaks, and I still smell antifreeze, but neither as bad as before. No steam when I drove it tonight. Good sign, maybe it was a simple issue. Now, on a little side note, is there any way to add a coolant filter? Mine is really dirty, and it doesn't get clean from flushing.

Is your thermostat housing leaking slowly? It's a common issue, it could be weeping a few drops at a time, causing the smell.

You need to pressure test the cooling system. If there is low collant and an odor you have a leak. If you see nothing hitting the ground the leak is probably slow and high and burning off.

You need to pressure test the cooling system. If there is low collant and an odor you have a leak. If you see nothing hitting the ground the leak is probably slow and high and burning off.

Anyone know what pressure you are supposed pump the system up to when you do a pressure test?

How do you pressure test a system? ive never done that before, is that something i can do at home? ive been keeping an eye on the coolant level in the radiator, and if there is a leak, it is slow. driving with the heat off today. i noticed that the belt squeak had stopped, and the smell is less noticeable, but still present, along with a bit of steam.

Like i said, my coolant system is terribly dirty, ive flushed it five times since ive had the truck, and fresh coolant only stays clean a couple hundredd miles.

i had installed one of those flush kits in one of the heater hoses, and my original suspicion was that that was leaking, but after tightening the hose clamps, i put some tinfoil around the tee, so i could see if that was leaking, and it is not, although its very possible it had in the past. would coolant leaking from one of the heater hoses possibly still be burning off and making the smell? I'm really confused. ive been using my ultragauge to monitor coolant temp better, and the temperature fluctuation is between 188 and 192degrees. i really have no idea where the steam is coming from, because i cant reproduce it in the driveway, and by the time i open the hood after driving, steam seems to come from everywhere under the hood.

im thinking i might replace the whole thermostat/housing/gaskets, to eliminate that possibility, and because i doubt my truck's has ever been replaced before, and knowing how dirty the coolant is, its highly likely the thermostat is gummed up. one question though, how do i tell whether i need the 195 degree or the 180 degree thermostat? and if i dont need one or the other, what would be the difference if i ran one versus the other?

Okay, I can see the thermostat housing is what's leaking now.

How can I tell which part numbers I need? There are 2 for each half of the housing, and 2 different thermostats.

Tried replacing the upper and lower tstat housings, sensors, and the tstat today, what a cramped mess that is. but anyway, 2 of the lower housing bolts were stuck pretty bad. I eventually did get them out, but now I need to see if I can find a place that has them that's open on Sunday -_- think advance autoparts might? My dad is checking to see if he has anything that might work instead at work, hopefully my truck is back on the road tomorrow.

I've also got some plastic pieces that fell down into the block, any tips on how to fish them out?

Found a loose square 1/8" nut in the lower housing too.

Okay, got the trac back on the road today, but in the process, the connector for the sensor that controls the gauge on the dash got cut (my dad wasn't paying atttention) so I need to know if and where I can get another connector I can patch on and make it work properly again? If I'm not mistaken, its the grey connector.
