It's all for the Engine Part II - Rambo cried | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It's all for the Engine Part II - Rambo cried

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agree with this!!! if we can greenify the grid and prices come down a bit compared to hybrids etc, i think EVs could be good DD's and gassers can still be around for long distance etc, but then begs the question that if EVs are this popular in the future and gas takes the back seat, will there be less gas stations, and will it be closer to how sparse ev stations are now? for now, i think i would go with a hybrid maverick for the best of both worlds considering prcie etc
Mass market EVs will be considerably cheaper than hybrids. Hybrids are only for technology development. Way too many moving parts to be an end solution. Cars have enough reliability issues without needing two entirely different, but integrated power sources.

Charging stations are the least of the concerns. They’ll end up everywhere, like restaurants and you’ll probably be able to charge for free as a perk of being a customer. Same with employers, grocery stores, and anywhere people tend to spend more than a half hour, anyways. You’ll also charge them at home.

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Kia has a 2 billion dollar factory, and is the only auto maker in Georgia. After over 80k absolutely trouble free miles on a $17,000 car, I say bring them on.
Competition is good for the consumer.

Mass market EVs will be considerably cheaper than hybrids. Hybrids are only for technology development. Way too many moving parts to be an end solution. Cars have enough reliability issues without needing two entirely different, but integrated power sources.

Charging stations are the least of the concerns. They’ll end up everywhere, like restaurants and you’ll probably be able to charge for free as a perk of being a customer. Same with employers, grocery stores, and anywhere people tend to spend more than a half hour, anyways. You’ll also charge them at home.
hope to see that someday :D for now at least, a hybrid makes the most sense for me

So basically the government is going to spend tax money on something you don't like and it has you all bent out of shape. Eventually the imports like Kia, honda and Toyota will be majority EVs. Guess we could have the 70s mentality all over again where the American auto companies said the people don't want small reliable fuel efficient cars, they want big gas guzzlers.

.Fix4Dirt .....lets see where this threadgoes...:popcorn: .........:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

xxxx..... United States, United States, about an hour ago
How are old EV batteries disposed of?

Oconomo, United States, 44 minutes ago
Special sections in landfills next to the wind turbine blades and rest of the failures we paid for. Remember the CA. solar panels scam.

Remember Master Wizard when I put Fix4Dirt and Donald out, When I snap my fingers Donald you are for 24 hours will think you are a duck.......and Fix4Dirt when I snap my fingers and you wake up you will think for 48 hours and while at work you are pro wrestler "Nature Boy"
just dont hit anyone....or hurt Donald. Well everyone does realize the planet needs help without lying about.....Like John Kerry who screwed up and told the truth " if the USA went carbon neutral which is impossible it would not move the carbon needle zero due to China, Russia, India, people are buying into Bull S***......yes we dont need to do bad envor things we dont blow the hydrocarbon base system up so do know this is power grab for the few .....and the structure of the country. Master Wizard I really dont want to see you as a cabbage patch doll or mixed up with Rambo......or you in the HR office for going on a rant in the parking lot....about hydrocarbon base systems.....

Im bent out of shape with someone that has power to screw something up that probably 85 % of the country dont understand. That contrary
to 420 lack of financial acuity and not understand nor you how serious this is, the attack on the gas engine, and the 2.00 well 2.50 base line
econ matrix gas price going up matter to float the EV cars. Got a friend that has and this applies to everything in the US and world ....He has 300 mil in gas station with food, when gas goes above 3.00 the food service people start a sir charge on shipping, the candy people they all start adding shipping cost so not change the base line cost of the say candy bar, the change in base line cost he has to eat to a certain part before he goes up and loses customer.

This goes to whats right in front of you a Bull S*** carbon tax on the gas engine, the damage this would do if massive.

White House Report Says Energy Taxes Are ‘Needed’ For Green Transition​

The White House added that consumers would continue purchasing “artificially inexpensive, carbon-intensive goods” without proper government policies in place.
“Such carbon prices could be implemented directly via carbon taxes, indirectly through a cap on emissions and tradable permits, or through other similar policy tools,” the CEA said in the report.

Energy Prices Set To Skyrocket Further As Biden Diverts More Natural Gas To Europe​

Do you know what this means for the US and the ramification how bad this is across the board for everything from production,
of electricity production , to food cost , to new car cost, to everything. I repeat this is a "hydrocarbon base system engine base system" and you cant change in 2 years or 1 year or 5 years....

.Fix4Dirt .....lets see where this threadgoes...:popcorn: .........:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

xxxx..... United States, United States, about an hour ago
How are old EV batteries disposed of?

Oconomo, United States, 44 minutes ago
Special sections in landfills next to the wind turbine blades and rest of the failures we paid for. Remember the CA. solar panels scam.

Remember Master Wizard when I put Fix4Dirt and Donald out, When I snap my fingers Donald you are for 24 hours will think you are a duck.......and Fix4Dirt when I snap my fingers and you wake up you will think for 48 hours and while at work you are pro wrestler "Nature Boy"
just dont hit anyone....or hurt Donald. Well everyone does realize the planet needs help without lying about.....Like John Kerry who screwed up and told the truth " if the USA went carbon neutral which is impossible it would not move the carbon needle zero due to China, Russia, India, people are buying into Bull S***......yes we dont need to do bad envor things we dont blow the hydrocarbon base system up so do know this is power grab for the few .....and the structure of the country. Master Wizard I really dont want to see you as a cabbage patch doll or mixed up with Rambo......or you in the HR office for going on a rant in the parking lot....about hydrocarbon base systems.....
View attachment 428724

Im bent out of shape with someone that has power to screw something up that probably 85 % of the country dont understand. That contrary
to 420 lack of financial acuity and not understand nor you how serious this is, the attack on the gas engine, and the 2.00 well 2.50 base line
econ matrix gas price going up matter to float the EV cars. Got a friend that has and this applies to everything in the US and world ....He has 300 mil in gas station with food, when gas goes above 3.00 the food service people start a sir charge on shipping, the candy people they all start adding shipping cost so not change the base line cost of the say candy bar, the change in base line cost he has to eat to a certain part before he goes up and loses customer.

This goes to whats right in front of you a Bull S*** carbon tax on the gas engine, the damage this would do if massive.

White House Report Says Energy Taxes Are ‘Needed’ For Green Transition​

The White House added that consumers would continue purchasing “artificially inexpensive, carbon-intensive goods” without proper government policies in place.
“Such carbon prices could be implemented directly via carbon taxes, indirectly through a cap on emissions and tradable permits, or through other similar policy tools,” the CEA said in the report.

Energy Prices Set To Skyrocket Further As Biden Diverts More Natural Gas To Europe​

Do you know what this means for the US and the ramification how bad this is across the board for everything from production,
of electricity production , to food cost , to new car cost, to everything. I repeat this is a "hydrocarbon base system engine base system" and you cant change in 2 years or 1 year or 5 years....
Quit deflecting with your nonsense. Quit stealing peoples comments from other sites. Have an original thought.

No one is trying to change it in a year. With your logic it would NEVER change, because there’d never be incentive to. This isn’t going to happen for a long time. The time to set it in motion is now.

Without a massive revamp the grid is gonna fail anyways. It’s outdated, and pats it’s usefulness. We’re on borrowed time.

Again, I like how you continually ignore direct questions. What’s your defense about your Sport Trac costing 40k? How did anyone afford to buy it then?

Answer an actual question with your own thought.

Such a distorted view of the EV market. I guess you don't realize that we need to think beyond current economics and realize that we're killing our planet and its atmosphere. The EV isn't the perfect answer but it starts us down a path away from our dependence on fossil fuel vehicles. Our current generation may not be affected badly enough but our children and grandchildren may end up paying the price for our ignorance.
Think, its not too late.........
"...a path away from our dependence on fossil fuel..."

Where do you think electricity comes from? Over 90%(edit, evidently we are at about 80% now) of all electricity right now comes from fossil fuels.

Cutting out the fossil fuel vehicles is a great wish, but you still have to use fossil fuels to run your magical electric vehicles. Until you solve the problem of making more electricity, a massive amount more, then nothing else matters.

"...a path away from our dependence on fossil fuel..."

Where do you think electricity comes from? Over 90% of all electricity right now comes from fossil fuels.

Cutting out the fossil fuel vehicles is a great wish, but you still have to use fossil fuels to run your magical electric vehicles. Until you solve the problem of making more electricity, a massive amount more, then nothing else matters.
It’s surely not over 90%.

Last I checked 80% is less than “over 90”
simple math reveals that yes, indeed 80<90 ;) however, this is a national average so could vary based on where you live!

supposedly it 80% :dunno:
That might be the new figures, I'd heard less than 10% was from wind/solar/hydro/nuclear, for many years. There is only so much space for making electricity from dams, and surfaces for windmills and solar panels etc. That has to be addressed before people increase EV numbers so much that we all have shortages of electricity. Work on better solar panels, and stop blocking nuclear power plants, those would help the most. But I doubt we can make 5-10 times more electricity than we make now, anytime in the next generation or two.

That might be the new figures, I'd heard less than 10% was from wind/solar/hydro/nuclear, for many years. There is only so much space for making electricity from dams, and surfaces for windmills and solar panels etc. That has to be addressed before people increase EV numbers so much that we all have shortages of electricity. Work on better solar panels, and stop blocking nuclear power plants, those would help the most. But I doubt we can make 5-10 times more electricity than we make now, anytime in the next generation or two.
at least were trending in the rigth direction, whether EV or not im not against having greener electricity sources :D

That might be the new figures, I'd heard less than 10% was from wind/solar/hydro/nuclear, for many years. There is only so much space for making electricity from dams, and surfaces for windmills and solar panels etc. That has to be addressed before people increase EV numbers so much that we all have shortages of electricity. Work on better solar panels, and stop blocking nuclear power plants, those would help the most. But I doubt we can make 5-10 times more electricity than we make now, anytime in the next generation or two.
So then, in the last few years it’s doubled. It’ll continue to double. Nuclear power is losing its stigma, we’ll see nuclear plants built in the next 20 years, surely.

The biggest hurdle is battery technology, followed by the absolute millions of miles of transmission lines.

Batteries will mostly come on their own, the transmission lines will not.

"...a path away from our dependence on fossil fuel..."

Dumb###, where do you think electricity comes from? Over 90% of all electricity right now comes from fossil fuels.

Cutting out the fossil fuel vehicles is a great wish, but you still have to use fossil fuels to run your magical electric vehicles. Until you solve the problem of making more electricity, a massive amount more, then nothing else matters.
Until their is a cold fusion reactor and we step into real change we are in 420's world of illusions, hand ringing granny talk on comments posted by others on EV car, 420 not seeing 4.00 to 8.00 to 10.00 gas as a big deal..... in his land of illusions of paper mache puppies and safe corner rooms for woke cry babies all over the world at well "Cry Baby Mountain" with pink play pillow talk.....and safe rooms with, Big Mac kid meals.................with the toys and a chocolate milk fountain, where 420 see's rainbows everyday as he trips out........................LOL.

Fix4Dirt .....lets see where this threadgoes...:popcorn: .........:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Last I checked 80% is less than “over 90”

Semantics, I'm sorry I didn't keep up with the current statistics. Those facts are among what they fail to tell us constantly, they like to suppress the details.

At 80% from fossil fuels, we'd have a hard time doing away with the coal and natural gas industry, to support the greenies that want to kill it all. In the end, the EV's will be running on mainly coal for many decades to come. As the EV numbers grow, the coal mining will have to grow too, increasing coal plants etc, in more places that don't want them.

no worries! im behind on tech, and i found that stat by lookign it up 🤣 at least its going int he right direction tho.. we can still improve (obviously), but were in the right direction!

Semantics, I'm sorry I didn't keep up with the current statistics. Those facts are among what they fail to tell us constantly, they like to suppress the details.

At 80% from fossil fuels, we'd have a hard time doing away with the coal and natural gas industry, to support the greenies that want to kill it all. In the end, the EV's will be running on mainly coal for many decades to come. As the EV numbers grow, the coal mining will have to grow too, increasing coal plants etc, in more places that don't want them.
They aren’t suppressing details, it took less than 10 seconds to look up. Over 90% is just a great arguing figure.

Until their is a cold fusion reactor and we step into real change we are in 420's world of illusions, hand ringing granny talk on comments posted by others on EV car, 420 not seeing 4.00 to 8.00 to 10.00 gas as a big deal..... in his land of illusions of paper mache puppies and safe corner rooms for woke cry babies all over the world at well "Cry Baby Mountain" with pink play pillow talk.....and safe rooms with, Big Mac kid meals.................with the toys and a chocolate milk fountain, where 420 see's rainbows everyday as he trips out........................LOL.

Fix4Dirt .....lets see where this threadgoes...:popcorn: .........:popcorn::popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:
Yeah. And such a shame that old 420 here can outdo you on any point, because you’re nothing but a troll.

Answer an actual question? Oh, right . You CAN’T. How about that 40k sticker Sport Trac you are driving. How did the middle class afford it?

Let’s see ANY source of your 2.00 a gallon economic base NONSENSE.

You won’t answer any real questions because you’re just a troll.

They aren’t suppressing details, it took less than 10 seconds to look up. Over 90% is just a great arguing figure.

I try not to mislead or use false data, but yes I do tend to rely on what I see in my limited news sources. I don't spend time researching a lot of things regularly. So I'll call it about 80% from now on that we get power from coal etc.

If we had 5-10 nuclear plants around the country, well made and secured, then we might have a decent conversation about getting away from coal as our major power source.

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limited news sources.
i wish the news just all said the same stuff... yes difference is what makes the world cool, but when it comes to news i want fact, not opinion, and consistency :banghead: pretty sure i have at least 5news sources... and they all have a different spin...

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