JL Stealthbox is not enough!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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JL Stealthbox is not enough!!!


New Member
October 5, 2006
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Hi, I recently had a new JL Stealthbox installed in my 03 Limited along with 4BA65, JL 4/300 and JL 1/500 amps keeping the factory head unit. I had a custom ported box with a 12 inch JL sub made for my previous car using the same 1/500 amp and loved it (Grand Prix) but went with the JL Stealthbox in the Explorer in order to keep my third row, but the bass sucks. Sometimes it's ok but on a lot tracks, it picks up hardly any bass. My question to you guys is, will changing the head unit to like the pioneer p6800dvd improve the quality of bass going to the Stealthbox or do I have to settle for so so bass with a third row seat.


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Unless you manage to address one of a few things, I doubt a head unit change will help you much, if you are using a line output converter on everything it probably would help a little. Or are you using something like the JL cleansweep?
What you could do, keeping your third row seat.

If depth and enclosure volume permit, possibly upgrading the woofer.. will a w6 fit? A W7?

If the W3 can handle more power, try adding some amp power(although I doubt it will.)

Building a new enclosure/fiberglassing dual enclosures that will still work with the seats up.

Add 8" drivers up front in kicks to add more bass, and help with soundstage and imaging.

There are probably more, but will be more expensive, time consuming.. or something that simply slipped by me :)

Given from what your coming from the stealthbox may not cut it. It's good if your not amping speakers & doing a whole sound system. Mines kicks, but isn't a bass machine. You know it's there but I'm not heard down the block. Maybe you need to play with the X-over & amp gain?
I have a HU & 4 good speakers running off of that & then the stealthbox & am happy with it. I've heard though on the new X's the radio's bass is rolled off at the HU. Not sure if that's true.

You really need a head unit. The factory head units cut bass at higher volumes to reduce distortion of their sub par factory speakers. I have run into this many times when installing subs for other people. A line out converter just wont cut it. You need a good head unit with subwoofer controls to run your sub effectively.

yea a HU should help, but an explorer has a good size interior space so 1 12 might not give you what you looking for

Im running one cheap 10 in a "stealth" box with a 600 watt monoblock amp behind a very nice Pioneer head unit. It is not a window blower, but its all I want for mine. But, Im getting old and lots of bass bothers me now...

I believe the best place to start is a head unit, that should be the foundation of any system.

I haven't heard yet though if he's said whether he is using line output converters or something more extravagant like the cleansweep.

Hi Guys, I want to thank everyone for their advice so far. With my current install, they only used regular line out converters, no cleansweep. As I think most everyone one this board does, I listen to many different types of music. The system really lacks when it comes to mid bass fq. If its a hard hitting rap song, it decent. But when it comes to pop (Sexyback) or techo/house dance, there is very little bass. It provides a full sound, but does not hit. So I'm still trying to figure out will just the head unit be the answer or if I have do that in combination with some type of custom box behind the third seat. Oh, I know it's a different beast, but the one 12 inch sub was more than enough for me in the Grand Prix (the JL Stealthbox has a 10 inch).

Thanks again!

A good head unit will allow presets for different types of music, to cater the EQ curves to that style of music. Like I said before, the factory head units cut low frequency sounds to prevent distortion of the factory speakers, so your line out converter isn't even getting any signal to send to the subs.

My Pioneer has a filter for the door speakers and the subs. I can control what frequencies go where, so I can optimize my sub output, and eliminate distortion of the door speakers.

this is 90% fixable by replacing your head unit. the stock unit just doesn't output the signal you need.

you may still be slightly disappointed in the stealthbox/w3 set-up, but it will be leaps and bounds better than it is now.
