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Job Search for our EF Members...

Is it all website design? Or is there warehouse work or shipping prep, anything like that? I'm cant afford to be picky. I'm pretty close too.

Website design. Our warehouse is down in the south.

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Returning to the working world...but for how long?

Forgive me for dusting off an oldy here, but I FINALLY got a call this evening from the Business Agent in my Local. I will be overseeing the asbestos abatement and demolition of a large boiler in a Massachusetts school for a few weeks. Hopefully this job will lead to further employment with this company.
I have recently been working "on the sly" for two small companies in the New York market and both have offered me full-time work. The pay is much higher than what I was getting before, ($10/hour higher) but I had to turn them down ( :crazy: ) due to the fact that the companies in question were, shall we say, headed for disaster. I just do not want my name associated with the way they are conducting their business. I have never received a written violation from any federal, state or local regulating authority, nor have I ever been asked by a client to cease activities and leave their property, and want to keep it that way.

Just for reference, violations can be given to a company, its on-site super (me) or both, depending on what the violation is. There are violations that can end in jail time for a super. A super that is on the jobsite the day of the inspection, and not necessarily the super that created the issue, is cited. Violation records are kept on file for years and can have a chilling effect on what jobsites you are allowed to work on.

Heres to a slowly improving economic environment. :chug:

It's still slow out there, but congrats on the job:thumbsup:

...Congrats on the new Job..:chug:

...The job market has continued to fall out here as well as the rest of the U.S....Current stats say over 3 million people have lost there job in the U.S. since February, 09...

...For the last couple of weeks in California, over 3200 people each week have filed for new unemployment status...These are only the people who haven't filed claims before...

OK, I posted here a while back, but thought I'd put out a new request.

Does anybody have any "connections" or "in's" at a hospital, free-standing clinic (think urgent care,etc..), and/or an imaging center?

I am an x-ray tech / radiologic technologist, and I'm located in northeast NJ (Passaic county).
I'm registered w/ the ARRT, and currently licensed in NJ, but I would be willing to get a lic. in NY or CT, if I had a solid offer in either place. I'm also willing to work in PA. (They don't require a state lic., just ARRT).

I'm willing to travel up to 2-2-1/2 hrs, for the right job. (The hours and pay would have to justify the travel distance, obviously) I'm willing to work day/night/overnight/weekends/holidays/etc..).

I've been working for a temp agency for the last year +, but it hasn't been steady. Lately it's been real bad. I'm looking for either additional per-diem /PT to supplement the agency work, and/or full-time. If anybody is willing to help out, I guess just PM me on here, and we can go from there. I know it's a long shot, but I thought I'd ask.


...Check with your local 4wheelparts store and see if they locally have openings for "Smittybilt" or "Procomp" in your area...

What do they have with those companies? I know you posted this a little while ago

....The best thing to do is stop in, in person at your local 4WP or 4WP Warehouse is even better...Lot's of jobs get posted on their BB there and never make it online...What they show online is minimal...:thumbdwn:

...This might be a job for Stic-o or another member...:dunno:

...Transamerica, Smittybilt, Procomp, G2...


I applied for the Pro Comp position, thanks Ted;)

Job Posting

I work for a construction supply company in the DFW area. We are currently hiring an inside sale rep. The link above is the one to Career Builder where we have this job posted. Read it over and apply. PM me if you do so I can hopefully get the person in charge to agree to an interview.

...Great post...:biggthump

...Still waiting to see if Stic-o landed that job...BTW, UPS is hiring nationwide for the holidays..;)

...Great post...:biggthump

...Still waiting to see if Stic-o landed that job...BTW, UPS is hiring nationwide for the holidays..;)

I have interview 4,5& 6 tomorrow for a really great job. Everyone cross there fingers.

I have interview 4,5& 6 tomorrow for a really great job. Everyone cross there fingers.

Fingers crossed..................

Looking for a good paying part time job near Fullerton CA. I go to school full time, and serving with the Marine Corps Reserves.

I've got cash handling experience, computer experience, competent mechanically, would prefer something not inside an office. Suggestion or leads would be much appreciated.

I have interview 4,5& 6 tomorrow for a really great job. Everyone cross there fingers.

Well, just got shot down on this...:( Was a really great opportunity, but it appears they was another candidate on the inside that pulled some string I guess. This shows you how important it is to network.

By the way this job would have been in the Video Game Industry:(

Back to the drawing board :rolleyes:

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