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KC 50 Series ?

Anybody have or used the 50 series, I'm looking for 4 lights to go across my yakima roof rack. I was looking at these or the daylighters(150watt), I want something up there that is going to light up the night and I'm hoping to stick around 200-220 for all four, any suggestions guys?

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Do a search on Ebay Motors for "KC Lights". There are a lot and priced preety good.

don't know if u've looked at them but i'm using KC series 46, 4x6 , i personally love them, i like the hidden look that fits right in between the spaces in my rack plus give me plenty of light, for only 45 a set to ur door, buy 2 or 3 of them, couple pairs up front one in the rear, what i'm doing, good luck

I have the Daylighters(100W) and they are nice. Got my set for $120.

IAmTodd said:
I have the Daylighters(100W) and they are nice. Got my set for $120.

Are those daylighters pretty bright? I have two hella 500 driving lights on my brush gaurd and I'm not too impressed with them.

These are quite bright. If I had mine wired up right now I'd take a pic of it. They're more of a spot beam and shine way down the road. I use them with my high beams. I definetly say they're worth the money. The only downfall is the depth of them. If you're looking for a slim light, these aren't the ones.

IAmTodd said:
These are quite bright. If I had mine wired up right now I'd take a pic of it. They're more of a spot beam and shine way down the road. I use them with my high beams. I definetly say they're worth the money. The only downfall is the depth of them. If you're looking for a slim light, these aren't the ones.

When you say depth, you mean from the front of the light to the back correct? Sounds like the way your describing these lights the project forward like a spot light and not really off to the sides?

I have the 150watt Daylighters. i got mine i think for 119 for the stainless steel version. i love them. extremely bright. easily twice the viewable distance of the high beams. I have them mounted on a westin safari bar.


evoq007 said:
I have the 150watt Daylighters. i got mine i think for 119 for the stainless steel version. i love them. extremely bright. easily twice the viewable distance of the high beams. I have them mounted on a westin safari bar.


Thanx for the help, I think I'm going to go with the daylighters, trying to decide if I just want the chrome ones of I want to spend more for the stainless steel, whatya think?

ExplorerSportNu said:
Thanx for the help, I think I'm going to go with the daylighters, trying to decide if I just want the chrome ones of I want to spend more for the stainless steel, whatya think?

Stainless, its worth the $$
