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Leaf Spring Questions


New Member
February 15, 2016
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City, State
Central California
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Ford Explorer Sport
Bought a 2001 Explorer Sport 4x4 in great shape, except that classic gangsta lean toward the driver's side. It's already got multi-leaf springs on the rear, and I just want to replace them instead of fooling with having them re-arched, but I cannot find any information to tell me exactly what years and what other models are compatible for direct bolt-on springs, so that I can begin my boneyard search. They are code 3 springs, and I'm assuming that they wouldn't have bothered with the different codes if that didn't matter, but does it matter, or must I only use code 3 springs when I change them?

Also, anyone know the stock height of the front, from ground to wheel well? I'm not sure if the former owner raised the front with a TT, but I'm really just wanting to make it the stock height. The ride is pretty rough, so I'm attempting to raise the rear and do what I can to make it a little more comfortable to drive around in.

I considered just swapping sides on the springs and using lift shackles to adjust the ride height, but I'm worried about instability in the handling. I only use it for regular daily driving, not off-roading, but I do have to drive through snow sometimes. How bad is the instability? What exactly happens?

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Try the search function, leaf springs have been discussed on the boards here in depth.

Yeah, I read probably 150 posts before asking.

Did you catch the one from last week a member did a replacement with new leaf packs? I'll see if I can find it. If you want salvage parts did you read the F150 leaf pack build?

All of the 2nd gens seem to have that lean. I installed new stock springs in the rear with an extra spring then gave it a little TT to level it out. That is honestly your best bet to completely level it out. Other wise just get new rear leaf springs to get as close as you can.

Thanks for the links, it's amazing that I read so many posts and didn't see either of those.

In terms of salvage, I was hoping to just go pull off a compatible set, probably both from the passenger side of 2 different cars, and I just cannot find anywhere what year Explorers are compatible with mine, and which other models I might be able to pull from for direct bolt on purposes. I did see the f150 mod...I'm sorely tempted, but I'm thinking that may be a little too ambitious. Plus, I already work 80 hours straight each week, out of town, so my wife would probably be annoyed if I finally came home and spent my time off modifying leaf packs, as much as I'd probably enjoy it. :D

I did contemplate what it might be like to forego changing springs entirely, and put the load leveling shocks on, combined with the Roadmaster Active Suspension. Might be overkill, but I wonder what kind of handling and lift that might generate. Know of anyone who's done it?

I like the F150 mod because it cures the immediate problem and also addresses the weakness in the design.

I don't think the mod would take any longer, probably less if you leave the main leaf attached.
