Lift kit Higher than 6” | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Lift kit Higher than 6”

Ryan Rives

February 10, 2020
Reaction score
City, State
Madison, Mississippi
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Ford Explorer XLT
Okay as some of you may know, 6” is tops for these things. A.K.A. a 3” Body lift and a 3” Spacer lift with Btf uppers. Has anyone thought of any way to get more lift in the front end? For example you can Lower the upper control arm by about 2 inches if you bolt the brackets on upside down. Im sure you could also get a differential drop machined in which will lower it a few inches without causing issues. A ball joint spacer could take care of the bad tie rod angles. But your left with one thing now, and that’s the lower control arm, I wonder if there is any way to lower it without having to get a custom cradle. Any ideas would be appreciated.


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What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever

What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever
^^^^theres only so much ya can do before you hitnthe max of the "bottleneck" so to speak. that being said- SAS or judt go with 6" unless theres somethin else i dont knoe

as i too understand, the cv goes thru frame, but its beenna while!

What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever
For the rear, you could drop the differential low enough to pass underneath the frame, and create a rear cradle for the lower control arms, i haven’t thought too much on it, but I have pictures of Duner’s explorer saved and RIZE industries’ expedition lift kit pictures for Ideas.

^^^^theres only so much ya can do before you hitnthe max of the "bottleneck" so to speak. that being said- SAS or judt go with 6" unless theres somethin else i dont knoe

as i too understand, the cv goes thru frame, but its beenna while!
^^^^theres only so much ya can do before you hitnthe max of the "bottleneck" so to speak. that being said- SAS or judt go with 6" unless theres somethin else i dont knoe

as i too understand, the cv goes thru frame, but its beenna wh
What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever
What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever
What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever
What about the rear? As I understand it thr cv axles go through the frame rails, at some point that will need to be addressed

Maybe consider a solid axle swap?
Ball joint spacers are not a good idea, ever
I’m taking it one piece at a time, first front, then rear.
