Looking for a timing cover | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Looking for a timing cover


Elite Explorer
September 2, 2018
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2000 ford explorer 94 xlt
I'm looking for a timing cover for my 91 ford explorer sport v6 I had a coolant leakage through it but have currently stopped it for right now with some my stop leak. I would just like to know where the best place to find one would be so I could have one just in case.

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I did not find one in a quick search, I know you have to pull the engine to drop the oil pan, so it wouldn't be a quick job.

JY is your best option.Ebay has them too: 4.0 timing cover | eBay
You don't have to drop the oil pan to replace the timing cover, just remove the bolts attaching it to the cover. However, the bolts on the timing cover itself are notorious for breaking at the worst times. Hit all the bolts going INTO the timing cover with PB Blaster or equivalent to get those things out.

You don't even have it off yet, so just replace it?

maybe a new gasket will do?

Very common leak on the 4.0. Just replace the gasket unless something really went wrong to crack the cover. I highly recommend the Ford gasket for this job and x2 on you don't have to remove the oil pan.

I just replaced the timing cover seal on mine, it's not a difficult job and absolutely can be done with the engine in the vehicle and the oil pan in place.

While you have it apart, do a new front crank seal as well. And you will need a new crankshaft/balancer bolt as they are torque-to-yield, one time use. Might look at replacing your water pump and fan clutch too since you're already in there.

I just replaced the timing cover seal on mine, it's not a difficult job and absolutely can be done with the engine in the vehicle and the oil pan in place.

While you have it apart, do a new front crank seal as well. And you will need a new crankshaft/balancer bolt as they are torque-to-yield, one time use. Might look at replacing your water pump and fan clutch too since you're already in there.

Personally, I've re-used the crankshaft balancer bolt many a time. Both my engines actually have them re-used and I have 1000's of miles on them with no issue. The bolt actually tightens itself as the crankshaft spins so it's nowhere near as critical as replacing the TTY bolts on a head. Dunno why Ford did that.

Ditto on the new front crankshaft seal.

I'm not sure why they did that either. I considered reusing it but I read a thread about one that loosened up and trashed the crank so I figured $10 was cheap insurance, although a ludicrous price for a bolt.

Personally, I've re-used the crankshaft balancer bolt many a time. Both my engines actually have them re-used and I have 1000's of miles on them with no issue. The bolt actually tightens itself as the crankshaft spins so it's nowhere near as critical as replacing the TTY bolts on a head. Dunno why Ford did that.

Ditto on the new front crankshaft seal.

I've reused several of them myself without issue.
