Making one good X from '93 and '98 explorers | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Making one good X from '93 and '98 explorers


New Member
July 26, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, AB
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Eddie Bauer
I have two 4x4, 4-door Explorers as follows:

1993 - high mileage, 4.0 OHV, Auto; with a broken transmission and 3.73 gears (limited slip).
1998 - much lower mileage, 4.0 SOHC, Auto; with 4.10 gears (open differentials). (this vehicle was rolled and is not repairable). I believe the frame is straight though.

I was looking for a transmission for my 1993 when I found this 1998. My thoughts were originally to swap the much lower mileage 4.0 SOHC, transmission, and computer from the 1998 into the 1993. Then I got to thinking that I'd also like to use the lower mileage 4.0 differentials from the 1998. I believe that the front suspension is different on the 1998 and so swapping the front would be more difficult (not a bolt-in).

As a result, I'm wondering whether I could use the 1998 rolling chassis and drive train and swap my 1993 body onto it. While I'm at it I'm also wondering whether it would be possible to use the '98 fenders/hood/grill and '98 rear quarters and door skins to end up with a '98-looking explorer.

Will the body mounts line up? Any other reasons that this might not work well?

If this body-swap is too hard, I may just go back to the original plan of taking the 4.0 SOHC and transmission (and computer) and putting into the 1993.

Any information would be appreciated. Any ideas on how I can best make a single good vehicle out of these two?


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There is a thread with pictures that is kinda simular to what you are talking about. What he did was swap the 93 body onto 98 chassis, then welded on the front clip from the 98 onto the 93. So im pretty sure the body mounts all line up.

As that post says it's a lot of work, a lot of tools, & a lot of time to do that.

I would just by the adapter and do the transmission swap, and swap over the 4.10 rears. They are more desirable than the 3.73 gears.

Thanks for the information re the guy doing the '99 front clip on an '93. I like what he is doing, that would work for me too, the problem is that it is a lot of work and I don't have the time, space or tools to do everything. I have my '98 hogging our attached garage and I would like to get it out so that we can use our garage for parking again.

I've decided that I'm going to rebuild the A4LD myself and do the bodywork on the '93 and make it my driver.

I also have a '86 Bronco II and right now I'm thinking of using the '98 explorer parts to build-up the Bronco II. I'm considering having the explorer frame shortened and then swapping the BII body onto it, but keeping the firewall and floor from the '98 so I can use the dash, console and seats from the explorer. The floor in the Bronco II is rusty and needs to be repaired anyway.

I'm also considering using the '98 front clip, door skins and rear quarters on the BII to create a '98 Bronco II - something Ford never did. It would be similar to the Explorer Sport but shorter - I believe.

The good thing is that while this project would also be a huge amount of work, I will have the 1993 as a driver once I fix the transmission and I don't have a time limit for when it has to be completed.

the 93 would sure be motivated with that SOHC though.

I agree, I was going to buy the '98 regardless of whether it had the SOHC, I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that it did.

The Bronco II should be significantly lighter than the explorer and the SOHC will be a real performer in it. I'll probably do some performance mods but I haven't thought too much about that yet.

Once I'm done the BII project, and the 4.0 OHV in the '93 Explorer gets tired, I'll probably do a V8 swap into the '93 in the future.
