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MFT Black / Blank Screen

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I don't think I've heard this explanation before. Did they check the APIM? That is the most common cause for a black screen.

All they told me was they couldn't do anything cause they couldn't connect to the radio and I need a new one. What's the APIM?

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All they told me was they couldn't do anything cause they couldn't connect to the radio and I need a new one. What's the APIM?
Sorry. Accessory Protocol Interface Module. It is the 'brains' of MFT (MyFord Touch). Do you have the 8" screen?

Sorry. Accessory Protocol Interface Module. It is the 'brains' of MFT (MyFord Touch). Do you have the 8" screen?
Yes I do. Is that I thing the cd would go in?

The APIM is a sealed unit attached to the back of the MFT screen.


Is there a way I could test it?
Not that I'm aware of. Do you know when your factory warranty started? That would have been the vehicle's "in service date". Ford extended the warranty on the APIM to 5 years unlimited mileage because of all the issues they were having with it early on. Just wondering if you still happen to be within that period of time.


Not that I'm aware of. Do you know when your factory warranty started? That would have been the vehicle's "in service date". Ford extended the warranty on the APIM to 5 years unlimited mileage because of all the issues they were having with it early on. Just wondering if you still happen to be within that period of time.

It's expired. Do you happen to know the part number to the APIM?

It's expired. Do you happen to know the part number to the APIM?
So it has been more than 5 years from the date you picked up the Explorer. You can't order an APIM from Ford. When a dealer replaces one he must return it to Ford. I'd ask your dealer to see if they checked the APIM first just to be sure or have another dealer look at it. I'll send a PM to a couple members who are a little more experienced with this and ask them to look at what we've posted so far.


Sounds good appreciate the help

Do you have navigation? If so what does the navigation menu do when access it on the RH side of the instrument cluster?

Also have you tried voice prompts? Like "destination address"?

Dealer check fuses to make sure unit has power before or after trying to communicate?

Ok bud. Thanks

You responded as soon as posted so make sure you see my comments above as you may not have seen them.

If you took it to the dealer you probably have printout of what they did. Take a picture/scan and post it.

No I don't have the nav and all they told me was they tried connecting to the radio with a computer and could not get it to communicate so they tried a reset by unhooking the battery and still nothing. I checked the fuses before and they where good

No I don't have the nav and all they told me was they tried connecting to the radio with a computer and could not get it to communicate so they tried a reset by unhooking the battery and still nothing. I checked the fuses before and they where good

Yea we went thru the same thing it's sad how ford has handle this.. pay the $850 for them to replace APIM and program it so it's correct. The part alone is ~$600

Yea we went thru the same thing it's sad how ford has handle this.. pay the $850 for them to replace APIM and program it so it's correct. The part alone is ~$600
I'll let you know tomorrow they are supposed to call me with the price.

Yea we went thru the same thing it's sad how ford has handle this.. pay the $850 for them to replace APIM and program it so it's correct. The part alone is ~$600
Hi Rich. Please add the requested "trim level" (Base, XLT, etc.) to your profile so it shows in the margin. That can be helpful info for members to have. Thank you.


Dealers tend not to get too technical with customers about part names unless asked to do so. Radio could me any number of things. I have only ever heard of the black screen being caused by a bad APIM. If the screen were bad you would still get continuous audio from the stereo system.

Dealers tend not to get too technical with customers about part names unless asked to do so. Radio could me any number of things. I have only ever heard of the black screen being caused by a bad APIM. If the screen were bad you would still get continuous audio from the stereo system.
Could I order a replacement and avoid the dealer?

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