Mixing types of antifreeze | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Mixing types of antifreeze

Ron Bostic

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March 29, 2024
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Virginia Beach, Virginia
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Explorer Sport
I topped off my antifreeze reservoir in my 1999 Ford Explorer with a4.0l SOHC v6 engine about 1 pint of GM DexCool antifreeze, will that damage my engine?

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I topped off my antifreeze reservoir in my 1999 Ford Explorer with a4.0l SOHC v6 engine about 1 pint of GM DexCool antifreeze, will that damage my engine?
You cannot mix Dex cool with regular antifreeze

You need to thoroughly flush the entire cooling system and replace it with 50/50 antifreeze not Dex cool

Have you ran it, has it sucked that out of the reservoir into the cooling system or can you just drain the reservoir?

Holy **** absolutely not

Drain, thoroughly flush. Then flush some more. Then fill with the appropriate AF.

Mixing dexcool with other antifreeze formulations has killed engines.

Holy **** absolutely not

Drain, thoroughly flush. Then flush some more. Then fill with the appropriate AF.

Mixing dexcool with other antifreeze formulations has killed engines.
It will gel up at the least I've seen engines killed from mixing dex cool with regular green antifreeze and once it gels up its nearly impossible to get it out

It will gel up at the least I've seen engines killed from mixing dex cool with regular green antifreeze and once it gels up its nearly impossible to get it out
+1 idk whats in dex but you cant get it out without physically going in there and removing imo if its been there for a while
