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After 313 posts I found a limitation (actually Peter found it). Only 21 pages show up in the forum summary even though there were 22 pages.

So this is the place for all new posts regarding the upcoming MOAB adventure!

Rick Horwitz

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Hey Matt, does this look familiar?


This is the overlook where you parked your Explorer. I took the route and punched it into the DeLorme Topo USA program.

Rick - VERY nice! I didn't even know you coul dod that with the software, pretty sweet! Not sure I'll be doing that again...

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"


You had asked for trail ideas to warm up on, for the 2-3.5 group to get new fourwheelers comfortable. Let's assume for the moment that we really mean the 2.5-3.5 group, since a 2 is basically a dirt road and certainly anyone with a 4wd Explorer is game for more than that.

Check out the Bartlett Overlook Run on page 58. It's part of the well know 3-D Run put on at the EJS. "Moderate. Starts easy but gradually becomes more difficult near the overlook [end of the trail]...If you're ready to graduate from easy to moderate, this trail is a good one. The challenging portion of the trail is rather short and provides a taste of difficulty without being overwhelming. Culminates with a great view....About 1 to 1 1/2 hours for the round trip..."

There is a picure of the toughest spot on the trail. It doesn't look like much at all (but I've learned that pictures never do justice to what you are looking at when you are actually there). The only caveat is that stock vehicles may scrap bottom some there. Looking at the picture, I think a stock Explorer wouldn't touch with careful tire placement and good spotting. It's toward the end of the trail anyway and I bet everyone would be ready to try it by then.

This may be the perfect start-up trail for the beginner/stocker group. I will be there all day Friday and could do a pre-run if necessary to make sure.

Does anyone have other thoughts/suggestions for the initial run of the beginner/stocker group?


PS / Rick, re: your last post on the original thread, I would love to have a campfire time sometime during the weekend. Even though I have a room, I'm considering camping out one night anyway just for the fun and comradie around the fire.

[Edited by GJarrett on 02-04-2001 at 09:14 AM]


Good idea starting the new topic. That other one was getting pretty slow anyway.

Bartlett Overlook looks like a good first trail, Gerald. Plus, that overlook of Hidden Canyon looks incredible. As an alternative, Gemini Bridges (pg. 89) also looks like a decent starting trail. The downside to Gemini is that it may be crowded, as it accesses several other trails.

I'm in favor of the campfire scene as well. Whether camping or not, an evening in front of the fire would be pretty cool, I'd say.

99 Sport 4x4
Auburn Rear & Gerald's old Shackles
265/75-R16 BFG AT's that weren't supposed to fit

I agree - I love the campfires on our little events. Might want to bring as much firewood as possible though - as I recall cutting firewood is not allowed and buying firewood will cost you an arm and a leg. I'll try to bring a bunch with me to burn, I've got a whole pile of it in the back of my house.

Matt Adams
94 Explorer 4-door nick-named "Tippy"

Gjarett, I'm up for any preruns on Friday. We'll be there Thursday night anyway, so Friday let's check out trails. I may try to borrow a GPS for the trip too.

I'm also bringing camp gear. Just in case I'm stuck on the trail or decide to camp on the way there or back.

And Finally, I may want to play with the locker crowd at least one day I'm there. I'll be installing the EZ Locker up front this weekend. I plan to take pics and document the process. It was hard to get any feedback on how tough or easy this process would be so I'll try to put something togather for others to checkout if they want to tackle this type project.

Rob Robertson
94 XLT 4X4 4 door
5.5" Superlift,RS9000s,Warn manual hubs,31 X 11.5's
"Take the road less traveled, surprise a Jeep"

For this trip I was wondering if I would beable to make it. I have a 91 four door. I haven't did very many mod's on it. I have KO 30's on my ride. Would i beable to make it through everything? But I have balls to do about anything with my explorer.


I have 31s and that is my only mod. I've been to Moab before, and my Explorer did just fine. My friend has an Explorer that has a weak gear ratio, so he hates taking it off-road. If you have decent gears you shouldn't have any problems.

If everybody is different, how can anyone be normal?

91 Explorer XLT
4.0L OHV V6

RU MAN, all the available spots for this run have been taken. We are limiting the number of vehicles due to BLM problems.

Gemini Bridges may be ok. The Toyota group doesn't even show it on their sked.

I am in Provo, when are you going down? We could travel together if you want.

Which night are you guys thinking about the campfire idea? Sounds good to me.

I think Gemini Bridges would be a better place for 2 reasons
1. Easier to find and better marked trail.
2. Bartlett Overlook Run looks too easy, with the exception of just one place, which is the only hard spot on that trail. Plus we could always go to Gold Rim Run after they find out that they can really do something with their Explorers.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

I agree. There are a lot of opportunities just off the Gemini Bridges Road. We will find something to satisfy everyone's need for adenalin. 17 days and counting!

Hey Trace,
I thought I was the only one counting the days. Guess I'm not alone. Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Hey, Gemini Trails, whatever, I'm good to go!
Ray, you still need me for tailgunner, right?

Who all else will be there Thursday nite/Friday morning in time for morning and all day Friday runs?

"Nerves of Steel; Brain of Chipmunk"
'99 Eddie Bauer 4x4 4.0L SOHC aka "The Jeepeater"
Dead Link Removed
"What the heck is he doing out here in that thing???"

Hey Gerald,
Should be in Moab by Friday mid morning sometime.

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

Are you staying at the Silver Sage? That's where Rob "Gofast-but needs a new name now" Robertson and I will be.

I may be tough to spot. Remember Rick's concerns with the BLM on large groups. Be on the lookout for the Stealth Jeepeater -- complete with Lexus emblem and Mercedes hood ornament, driven by a redneck in a Jeep hat Dead Link Removed.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial ">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by GJarrett:
Hey, Gemini Trails, whatever, I'm good to go!
Ray, you still need me for tailgunner, right?

Who all else will be there Thursday nite/Friday morning in time for morning and all day Friday runs?


I'll be there Thursday night.

If everybody is different, how can anyone be normal?

91 Explorer XLT
4.0L OHV V6

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You know, pretty much those of us that are staying at a motel are all staying at the Silver Sage. I can just see it. Hey looky there Earl, there's a whole bunch of Explorers out there and they are staying all at the same place. You don't think they all together do you? Na that one there's got a Lexus sticker on it and there's some old redneck in a jeep hat. Well Gollllyyyy. I guess not.
I don't think it's gonna work. We're not driving jeeps, so we're gonna stick out like a sore thumb anyway. Dead Link Removed

Happy Wheelin'
Ray L.
97 XLT 4X4 4.0L SOHC
Dead Link Removed

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